At school, I was always a central midfielder from a young age. Then, when I joined Villa at 16, the pre-season didn't go too well, so they looked at me as a centre-half.

You play the game to win things, and if you asked me whether I would want to finish in the top four or win the FA Cup, it'd be FA Cup every time.

Sometimes you're just not in the manager's thoughts.

Most people would snap your arm off to do what I've done, but for me to be able to say my career was successful, I need to have some trophies and some medals in my cabinet when I finish.

All I can do is give 100% for the club. That is all the fans will want to see anyway.

Everton fans don't just come to watch the football. They are there for Everton, the club. They really believe in the history of the club.

I treat the young boys as I wanted to be treated when I came through at Aston Villa.

To play in the Premier League again would be amazing.

I've been in the Premier League for 10 years, more, and the money I've been paid is phenomenal compared to your average, everyday working man.

The way you adapt and play against different teams and different styles is going to be important.

When you're told you're going to miss out, initially, that first hour after the manager's named the team, you're really disappointed. You can't imagine anything worse. But you can't show that. You've got to go out there and support the lads.

You do hear a lot about 'player power,' but I'm one of those who believes the manager is there to take control, to be in charge.

When your name gets mentioned with the great guys that played this game in the past, that's very big.

I'm only a player; I only do what my coach says.

Whatever the coach calls, I'm going to give 110 percent.

As long as you train and love to compete, you can do whatever you want.

When you're looking from the outside looking in, you don't know what's in the locker room until you get there.

I've been boxing for a while now, and I probably could fight a little bit if I wanted to.

I hear all the critics, man. I hear them saying 'He's done.' I hear them saying 'He can't.' I hear all that. That keeps me going.

I'm not going to be done until the man up above says so. It's not me, it's Him. As long as I'm healthy enough to be out there and train and my body feels good, I'm going to do it.

I want to be remembered as a guy who played the game of football right.

I've always strived to prove people wrong.

If you know sports in Dade County, you know me.

When it's time to play, I'm going to come play. I'm going to play the right way. I'm going to try to help my team in all directions, blocking and catching. If I don't have the ball in my hand, I'm going to protect, block down the field. I'm going to do whatever it takes to win.