There's times where I get emotionally hijacked, then I'll try and force something and do something.

In my head, I'm a big Kobe fan.

Football is important, but it's not the most important thing anymore.

I think it's more important to pray for my son than go out with my friends drinking at a bar until midnight while he waits for me to come home.

Faith, family and then football. Those are my priorities now.

Patrick Peterson, obviously, is one of - it depends who you talk to - is the best, or one of the best, corners/return guys in the NFL. You just turn the film on and you're like, 'Wow, that guy plays corner? He looks like a linebacker and runs a 4.1' or whatever. He's a great player.

I've broken a lot of things. I've torn a lot of muscles. I've torn a lot of ligaments.

Add a good player to our team? Absolutely.

Of course, anyone would want Marshawn Lynch. Any quarterback in the NFL.

I don't care what stadium we play in.

When teams see coach Gruden and myself run out on the field, they know, 'Hey, man, we are in for it mentally today.'

Raider Nation is everywhere, literally.

The city of Oakland, since I got here, has been like my second family. They've taken me in and had my back through the hard times and they've celebrated with me through the good times. And so, I love Oakland.

We have a goal of winning the Super Bowl and that's just where our focus is. It's like a laser focus.

I'm always trying to grow myself.

I listen to the people that know the position. People that coach me. People that I always seek advice from.

You can see something on film, but until you're really out there playing against somebody and you see him for the first time, you don't really know.

When you're an undrafted guy, it's hard because... you're not going to have the first- or second-team reps all the time, obviously.

I've rolled and torn ligaments in my ankle.

It's the most violent sport there is.

Being in a boot is not fun. Being on crutches is not fun.

I feel like, even if a guy is covered, I can put the ball where it needs to be so we can have a successful play.

I'm very confident.

There's not a throw that I can't make. And if I have to make it, I will make it.