When you're out there and playing, things are going fast. You've just got to trust your instincts and what got you there.

You go out and work hard and leave everything on the field. I think if you do that, you don't have any regrets. You can go home and look at yourself in the mirror.

I've played in a lot of important games in my life.

The players you really feel bad for are the younger players, who haven't had a chance to experience playing in a World Cup.

Any goal is a good goal.

I like scoring against everybody.

When people ask me what club I supported growing up, I didn't really watch club soccer. The only channels I got had World Cups and the Copa America, so I gravitated toward the Latin American, South American style of game.

There's always room for quality players in a team. The trick as a manager is to figure out how to bring the best out of your team.

I grew up with the South American style of toca-toca.

You can be on a good team and not play at all.

I went through five different coaching changes at Fulham.

Just being in Europe was a grind.

I want to do something really special in my life.

I didn't get started until late. I didn't get started until I was 20. I turned 21 in my first MLS season, in March. It's always been a race against time, really, for me. It's kind of my mentality, to make up for lost time.

You know me: I'm a fighter.

Anytime you get good service to the box, it's always great as an attacking player because it gives you more opportunities to score.

At the end of the day, everybody has the right to choose their own path in their career.

I'm at peace with what I've been able to accomplish, not only domestically but abroad, and what I was able to do on the international level.

I remember, growing up, losing a sister, and - life is short. Make the most of your opportunities.

The Cottage was one of my favourite stadiums to play in. It was such an intimate atmosphere, and I've just got so many great memories of playing there.

It was frustrating when the managers would change; you'd go to the bench and try to work your way back into the team. But it makes you stronger.

I've always been a competitive person, wanted to be on the field.

For soccer, it was Diego Maradona, and then another idol for me was Michael Jordan. To see them play and how that they could impact the game was pretty special.

My parents worked very hard for everything that they got. Their parents worked hard. It's just something that is passed down to you, and whatever you want to accomplish, you have to work hard to get it, and that's always been that mentality that my family has, and I think that's something that was passed on to me.