If I feel compelled or feel that I really need to say something at a certain time, I'll say it. But more do than not; I'm trying to lead by example.

It's an honor, it's a privilege to be able to be one of the guys leading your country out, especially in a World Cup. It's something that you'll be able to tell your grandkids about.

Saying you shouldn't miss a beat is easier said than done.

When you come in with the national team, there's an adjustment period. Sometimes you don't have time to adjust.

When the team plays better, individuals play better as well.

You always wanna make sure that you're not burnt out. But I feel like I've been able to find the right balance of still staying fresh in games and still being able to be productive.

I love soccer. That's my passion. That's what I make a living doing.

I like trying to be creative.

I liked rap from a young age, from listening to MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice.

I always kind of struggled a little bit with being captain sometimes, because sometimes you feel like you have to be someone that you're not.

Every year is a roller coaster. I've enjoyed the struggle of having new coaches and having to prove myself over again. Being able to figure out ways to solve problems, to overcome obstacles - that's been fun.

You always have to stay motivated and try to make the most of where you're at.

When you see that your kids are proud of you, that they're excited to wear your jersey and cheer you on, it doesn't get better.

I've always put pressure on myself to perform well.

At certain times during your career, at different ages, you feel better than others.

With the national team, you never know how long you've got, so you always have to be pushing and making the most of it.

That's all I'm programmed for: to keep pushing and to try to make the most of my career and my life, to take care of my family.

In life, you're going to have things that are going to come up against you. You can either let it get to you, or you can make something happen.

As I've become a professional, I just feel more pressure to produce, to score goals and get assists. I know I'm a good player, but it gives evidence of how good you are if you're able to look at how many passes you've made in a game or how many chances you create. It's in the books. It's become more about stats as I've become a professional.

It's always kind of a weird thing when you come back from an injury, especially with your heart.

I'll just say this one: on each my shinguards, I'll kiss them before I put them on, and I'll put the names of the people I've loved and lost to remind myself that life is short and to take advantage of the opportunity.

Any point you can get is an important one.

I see every year as a year where you've got to prove yourself.

You always want to play at the highest level possible and make the most of your career, and I felt like I did everything I could.