I started coaching in the Interregionale league in Catanzaro. There were pitches with no grass; at times, we had no water, no training equipment. I had to do it all myself.

Thinking of the dismissal by Leicester, the first thing that comes to mind is a sense of surprise even more than of bitterness.

I'll admit I was curious about coaching a national team, but my experience with Greece was sufficient.

I believe only in the mathematics.

I think I am a nice man, but also, I am demanding.

The day my players relax, I get crazy. They know that.

I am not a man who wants revenge.

What I have to say, I say face to face.

I am a serious man, a loyal man.

I think everyone is the perfect owner.

If I am angry, I am angry. If I am angry, then I have to be calm, and to be calm, I have to tell you to your face what I think about you. If we don't agree, then okay, 'Bye!' It's no problem.

I am a lucky man because when I was young, I wanted to be a footballer. Suddenly, around 30 years old, I thought, 'I want to try to be a manager because it's different.'

Am I too loyal to my players? I could be, could be.

We must respect the referee every time.

Inside me there are two people. One is a very aggressive - I want to win; I won the Premier League, but now I want to win on Saturday. I want to win next season - and is never satisfied.

It is important to understand what your team can do.

Football is open; it is not only keeping possession of the ball and making more passes.

You use up a lot of mental energy in the Champions League.

When you play in the Champions League, you are switched on - very, very smart and focused on every situation.

When you are in the big competition for the first time, you grow, and then you lose something when you go back into your own competition.

I'm from Italy, the home of Vivaldi, Rossini, Puccini. When I stopped playing and became a manager, football became like a beautiful piece of music to me - and the players, an orchestra.

I don't believe bookmakers.

If you go in Spain, you have to play with another style. The English culture is the English culture. If you come here, you have to play in this style.

You really can eat well in England - if you have the money.