What is important is to find the best solution for your players.

I want to be strong because you believe in me. You have to trust me. I give my knowledge to you. That is my philosophy.

In my view, fitness training isn't that important in England, as they all train with such intensity anyway and have a competitive edge when just sprinting. The matches are all hard-fought, too.

I won the most important league in Europe, I think - not just Europe but the world - the Premier League.

Every country is different, every league is different - all the culture.

I am very clear and very honest. I can say one thing, and you look at my face, and it is clear.

I have to thank Leicester City Football Club. The adventure was amazing and will live with me forever.

All my players must be ready because, sooner or later, I will need them.

The love the people of Leicester showed towards me was incredible. Even more than winning the Premier League.

I have won trophies around Europe, but never the title. Three times, I was runner-up. Leicester and the fans will be in my heart for all of my life.

I want to buy pizza, but my players don't want pizza; maybe they don't love pizza. Because I said when we make a clean sheet, I will buy everybody a pizza. Maybe they wait until I say, 'Okay, a good dinner.' I told them, the clean sheet, I buy everybody a pizza. I think they wait until I improve my offer: 'Okay, a pizza and a hot dog.'

Under pressure, I don't go down, I go up.

In my opinion, if you only show quality but no fighting spirit, you are half a player.

It is with passion that I love my job. But it is with character that I am able to keep looking forward. Not just beyond criticism or bad results, but also beyond the good moments, too. Everything has to be a balance.

If you are a loser in this sport, you are a loser also in life.

My love for football and the players are always very strong.

I'm not friends with my players, but I am very close to my players. When I speak to them, I want to speak to the man, always the man.

It is important to always look forward.

It's not important how many mistakes you make; it's about how many chances you create and how many goals you score. That is my philosophy.

Over the years I've learned that, to be a good manager, you need to have passion, and you need to have a strong character. Without those things, the job is very, very difficult.

It's important to go out on the pitch and make a fantastic performance.

It is very important to be humble but to maintain the conviction that we can do something good.

There is too much unhappiness in football, no?

When you work hard, when you believe in something, in the end, you will achieve something.