Every player needs to be happy and proud to play for Cameroon.

We try to bring in the best players for Cameroon: not just best in terms of talent but those who are motivated and who know what it means to play for this nation.

Players must understand that if they go after more lucrative contracts, then they forfeit their chances of playing in the national team.

Good, young players don't compete in China or in Asia.

Of course African teams are underachieving when you think of what their potential is.

I am a winner - and I like to win - but I cannot think that, if I lose, I did not do a good job, because there are other external factors involved.

Unfortunately, results are the only thing that some people look at, but there is more to defining success than just stats.

When I went to AC Milan, they were four points away from the relegation zone, and by the end of the season, we were just one goal away from being in the Europa League.

I think that there's still a lot of prejudice going on. I don't really think it's only an issue of football. I think football is a mirror of society.

Winning the Champions League is a very particular feeling, but it's really the journey that makes it special.

I played over 130 matches, including four finals, so there have been many great moments.

Who does not talk cannot be judged. Who does not shoot the penalty cannot miss.

I think I'm outspoken, but I think people respect me for that.

If I was happy with three trophies, then suddenly I had to have four. If I was happy with four, then I had to have five.

There's no guarantee of winning, even if you are the best players and the best team.

Managers lose more than they win until they get to the big 10 clubs; then, they start winning a bit more than they lose.

Who doesn't want to work in the Premier League?

When you have ambition, then it's never enough to win.

The secret in life is to make every obstacle into an opportunity.

Every player can still grow - there is no limit to that. Even when I was 38, I improved myself in certain things, and that is what I will always do with my players to help them get the best out of themselves.

I'm not Zidane and not Rui Costa, but I have qualities - I can create assists - but I have to step up a level to become like those two.

If you're a talented player, and you're 20 years old, you should be playing in the UEFA Champions League or in the elite European teams like AC Milan, Juventus, or Chelsea.

Every time you win a cup, it's special, but it's a dream come true when it happens at a club where you started in the youth set-up, surrounded by friends who formed an incredible generation of players.

What I strive for is that everywhere I go, I leave a positive impact.