What I learned is that nothing is given easy to you.

When you play against the best players, you're going to grow.

I don't put any extra pressure on myself for national team games.

I've been fortunate that I have good athletic ability, just in general. Quick, strong, able to bounce off players, trying to be strong in winning tackles, and annoying to play against, pretty much.

It's been a big flaw of ours in the soccer department that a lot of our best athletes go and play other sports. But I think young players have seen me, and others, go over to Europe and play in some of the best leagues - and MLS is improving so much, too.

Being with Dortmund and playing in more big games there, it's just gaining experience.

CONCACAF games are tough.

I just like to be on the field really anywhere.

Wherever I am on the field, I'm just trying to be an attacking presence and constantly be on their back four and try to make a difference in that way. So it doesn't matter where I play for my club.

I just play because I enjoy the sport.

I'm pretty quiet, but my best quality is leading by example.

In a moment, or type of pressure, you just go out, and I play like I always do. Because it's a big moment, I'm not going to shy away and not show my talents. I'll show what I can do and show it every game.

I was always out playing sports in situations that didn't matter with my friends.

I took the step over to Europe to play at a big club at a young age. I think that's what's hard for a lot of people, moving over there.

It's hard to always listen to your dad when you get older. You want to move on, but he has the knowledge. I think he did just the right amount of pushing me but also letting me do my thing, and just making sure that I always enjoyed the game, and I'm not feeling pressured.

It was definitely tough being the coach's son.

I always had a soccer ball with me. I could never stop. As young as I can remember, my dad was always throwing a soccer ball at me.

I think I've just been able to stay balanced, and my family has helped me through that. And with that, I just can continue to develop because I work hard every day.

Obviously, making my debut at such a young age, people put a lot of pressure on you.

It's really exciting and pretty cool to see your own face on a playing card.

When I was a kid, I collected a lot of cards from all different sports.

Of course I always dream big, but I don't put a plan out for myself.

I try to focus on the next week and the next game every time, focus on what I'm doing right now and just to continue to improve every single day. If I do that, I should have a good future.

I think what we really want to do is to create a real soccer nation. We want to have kids really wanting to play the sport.