Any time you have an injury, it's going to be tough.

Some days I wouldn't even go to class. I'd sit in the room and play video games with my friends and eat powdered mashed potatoes.

My mom, she's the strict one. If we did something bad, we'd get a whippin' but nothing too bad.

My dad's funny. He's laid back and a cool guy.

It's not a public matter when you discipline your family.

I'm going to discipline my kids, and can't no one tell me how to discipline my kids.

You shouldn't put your hands on a woman. Simple as that.

Sometimes you usually know the point where to keep your mouth shut.

Sometimes, I'm just a fan of the guy, and we'll switch jerseys.

Bless my mom. Mom is everything to me.

You don't want to disappoint your mama, for that main fact that she's going to get on your behind.

To be able to sit back and enjoy the game, sit back and watch guys that you know played and you might have worked with it or you personally know, it's cool; it's awesome to sit back and say I know that guy because you're more of a fan of that game and that person.

When I was in college, I used to love to watch football on Sundays.

It was cool to meet Cris Carter. That dude has some of the best hands to have played the game.

I'm okay with anybody expressing their rights.

I've watched Urkel since I was a little kid.

We all understand it's a privilege just to be playing in this league.

Not many of my friends I had from college are playing in this league. Everybody knows it's a privilege, so you definitely don't knock it because you never know where you may end up.

Anything negative that comes at me throughout the week, you just take it and put it in that box over there for motivation and use it on Sunday.

I can have three touchdowns and 200 yards, but if we lose the game, what's it all for?

Whatever you want to call it, they have all these names for these coverages, I've seen them. Like those linemen coming out to jam me on the line of scrimmage. A lot of crazy stuff.

Sometimes, it's just unfortunate you get injured in the game. But you can definitely take strides to prevent those things.

Even if the coverage is leaning toward you or whatever it may be, there's ways to beat it.

I had great stats in my career, you know, but really, you want to win.