I got a finger that's literally bone-on-bone. This bad boy, it gets smaller. The more and more I do, it grinds bone-on-bone.

I got stuff that's going to hurt for the rest of my life.

I'm not coming back to play.

I had fun while I did it, and I left it all out there on the field. I'm tapped out.

The team doctor, the team trainers, they work for the team. And I love 'em, you know. They're some good people, you know. They want to see you do good. But at the same time, they work for the team, you know. They're trying to do whatever they can to get you back on the field and make your team look good.

It's simple to get a concussion, you know. I don't know how many I've had over my career, you know, but I've definitely had my fair share.

Concussions happen. If not on every play, then they happen like every other, every third play, you know.

I know where my body's at, know how it feels, you know.

If I was to keep playing, I had to play in Detroit, and it just wasn't for me anymore.

You know what's funny? There's times when you catch a ball and really didn't even see that ball. You're like, 'That couldn't have been all me.'

I'm just a worker.

I don't feel like sitting around doing nothing would benefit me.

During the season, I dodge the media, kind of. It's not that I'm trying to avoid them, but I know if they get a hold of me, there's going to be, like, 10 people around me, and I'm going to have to answer question after question, where in that time, after practice, I need to be taking care of my body and recovering.

As NFL players, we have such a platform to spread the Word of God. And that is an area I don't mind speaking out on at all. As far as talking about my football skills, however, I will let my abilities and actions speak for themselves.

I've been a Madden guy since I was little.

That's what everybody calls me, 'Cheat Code,' because they just throw the ball up to me.

I like to dress up every now and then.

I have my own people that make my clothes because it's hard for me to find stuff that fits.

It wasn't really until the 10th or 11th grade when I started to play well, and football took the place of baseball, which was my love when I was five years old. I don't know what happened; baseball just got boring to me, I guess.

I was a baseball guy. Mom wouldn't let me play football when I was little because she was scared I'd get hurt. So, I finally convinced her to let me play in 7th grade.

I'm a Southern guy, so Jeezy, T.I., and Outkast are always playing on my iPod.

For me, to just have my own shoe is unbelievable. As a kid, you see Jordans and wonder what that feels like to have your own shoe, and the fact that I have one is really surreal.

I like... piecing things together because it gives you a product that you would never have come up with just sitting down and writing on a blank slate.

I'm curious what the acting world is like; I'm so foreign to it that I'd be curious to see what that's all about.