I'm still a very big fan of Fiona Apple.

I was gonna be a cosmetologist. I didn't really want to. I wanted to be in a band. It kind of worked out.

I didn't even go to graduation.

One of the most frustrating parts about songwriting for me is production, but it makes me want to get better at it and ends up being one of the most rewarding parts of it.

I don't listen to a ton of rock music.

You can't just be a musician; you have to be an entertainer and perform and act just to hit the bar.

I just love making music, and I wouldn't want to stop.

Having a very serious thematic element in the lyrics and then juxtaposing with something really triumphant and just a big beat to dance to is a nice contrast to having a dark message.

Change is always a little bit strange.

I seriously love Cleveland. It's a great city.

My favorite type of pet has always been a dog. They're loyal, kind, and offer endless affection. My friend Eric says, 'The more people I meet, the more I like my dog.' Funny thought.

I have a room dedicated to music and recording. I go there first thing in the morning and just before I go to bed. And it has a window to my street, so I can watch all the crazies walking by.

My favorite electric guitar would have to be my Duesenberg. I've named her 'Dolores,' and she sings like an operatic menace.

I love shopping online for clothes, but only from places that I'm familiar with their sizing.

I learned about being positive from my parents. They're the most positive people I've ever known.

I was a maniac as a teenager; I'm not going to sugarcoat it. I was crazy.

My family is very religious.

I've never considered myself a lyricist, but I have stuff to say.

I really miss wearing costumes and makeup.

To see fans singing your songs back to you is an indescribable thing.

I love traveling, I love waking up in a new city every day.

I want to write something that celebrates life, that's fun to listen to.

I'm a big fan of electronic dance music.

From the first time I heard Bob Marley or even Sublime, I wanted to move out to California and be near the ocean, start surfing, start being a part of that whole thing.