I have no problem with people illegally downloading stuff. I'm not going to drive hard into 'You should buy my stuff,' because really, it's inevitable. If you like a song, you're going to download it for free. I have no problem with that.

I want to inflict some change on people.

I was brought up to not like Man United.

I would hope my children do not like NYCFC.

I don't want to define New York Red Bull as one player, or one manager.

I like when people talk negative.

Who doesn't want play with Thierry Henry?

It's not one or two player that makes you a good team.

So much of my game is owed to Thierry. We text regularly.

There's so many things Thierry's taught me, just how you go about being a professional.

It's hard in England. If I didn't score for three games, there was the chance someone would take my place or I would be loaned out.

The Red Bulls have done a good job of challenging me to be a leader, not just be a part of team and score goals, but be someone to be counted on.

I would stay up till 3 A.M. playing Xbox or Playstation, go training at 8:30 A.M., go home and sleep and wake up at a crazy time like 7 P.M. and eat something ridiculous like a pizza and then get back on my computer. I was not living right and I wondered why I was not starting games.

Growing up all I wanted to do was score goals and celebrate with fans - somewhere in that I got lost. Football came second and it shouldn't have.

Anywhere attacking, I will go. Where the manager says to go, I will try and do the job.

I like to play up front.

Any striker like me that likes to run in behind, they could play with Thierry.

If you score goals, you play. It's as simple as that.

Obviously when you're a striker you need to score. The manager's not going to just play you if you're not scoring.

I don't want to go back to Europe. I've said that several times.

I am always going to play the same way I always have.

If I was younger and I got a new tracksuit, hat, trainers, you couldn't tell me I didn't look good. I thought I was dressed up.

Where I'm from, everyone wore tracksuits. If I was younger and I got a new tracksuit, hat, trainers, you couldn't tell me I didn't look good.