I do a lot of things instinctively.

We have big goals at Bayern and always want to go as far as possible in each competition and win silverware. But it is great to have won the World Cup. You are a world champion for your entire life. A lof of people talk about it and it remains very special. But it's not like I think about the World Cup each morning I wake up.

Fear mustn't take control of us.

I have a clear goal: the greatest possible success, the World Cup trophy.

Generally I always take genuine criticism. It's part of football.

Personal vanity has no place in a World Cup.

In a World Cup you always intend to compete with the best.

Of course it's not a normal thing to show a good performance every time.

Every Bundesliga match is a new challenge, our opponents don't make it easy for us.

Schweinsteiger has always been an important player for the national team.

Thomas Muller is an excellent player.

At the start of every season, I always asked myself - am I meeting my own standards? Can I still do it? I didn't want to come to the conclusion that I couldn't during a season.

As a captain, I have to be courageous but I also want to be nice off the pitch.

Even if I won so many titles, the first title is not forgotten.

Winning the Bundesliga is never a given.

The title I most want is the 2014 World Cup.

Maybe modern tactics mean that making the switch from defence to midfield is easier. Many years ago, full backs were more limited - you were just supposed to defend, and it didn't matter if you could get forward too.

As a full back, your role is just as much in playing in midfield, getting forward and creating chances, as it is stopping them at the other end.

I'm lucky to have played two different positions. But of course the experience I gained as a full back - knowledge of defending, and taking up the right positions, helps me as a midfielder.

I played at full-back for 10 years, I enjoyed it, and I had success there, so I can never regret being a defender.

It's our responsibility as experienced and successful players to manage our powers in order to be able to give 100 per cent in the right moments.

You can never know if there will be a second Cruyff, someone with a great personality who can grow up and make it into the squad of the club they love. But what is certain is that, in the Champions League, there will be big clubs producing these players forever.

The abolition of the double sanction for a foul in the box is a welcome change. There are times that you cannot help but stop your opponent in the box, with your momentum forcing you to make a challenge. Fouls can't be avoided in that situation but your intention was fair.

We should not discuss refereeing performances but support decisions to help their work.