Not scoring in the red zone and turning it over, man, that gets you beat.

To be honest with you, I love the fans. I mean, I really do.

I've been able to have some longevity here with the Chargers. It is unique.

In certain systems, receivers are just an X receiver or a Z receiver, and they just have to learn this route on this play.

My big, growing family keeps everything balanced and grounded.

Look, I'm my own worst critic. I've made mistakes in areas that I need to improve - most notably, turning the ball over.

I play with the same energy, passion and fire that I played with as a 10-year-old in north Alabama, and I'll continue to play that way. I think sometimes that's misrepresented. There's nothing I say out there that I can't say to my mom, wife or daughters. It's all clean.

There's obviously games and a history you have with guys that maybe you're a little more fired up to let them know if maybe you beat them on a play.

I always believe, why wouldn't you want to play the best?

Discover your passion and do it to the best of your ability.

I knew as long as I stayed focused on my priorities, I would be ready for life's ups and downs.

I take the role of leadership as the most important job I have. Yes, it's the passes and all the different things you have to do, but it's leading and it's in the huddle and it's in the weight room and the meeting rooms. It's that role I think comes first.

I think that you first have to understand that our sexuality is a gift that God has given us. Then you grow in that respect and love with your spouse or girlfriend to-be-wife. You respect her! Then you realize you're loving their heart, their soul and you grow together.

Too many times we think we've fallen too far from God or we're not worthy.

When we went to mass that first Sunday after moving to a new place, that was where we felt at home and were able to say, 'well, home is anywhere, it doesn't matter where we live because we have the faith.'

There's so many gifts from the faith to appreciate and it strikes people differently, but the one-ness of the Church wherever you are, Raleigh, San Diego, Alabama. Every place we were was home because the Catholic Church is the same everywhere.

My faith has always been very important to me.

I'll play like crazy and fight like crazy, as a Los Angeles Charger, just like I did for you guys. And I know y'all can respect and understand that. But I hope you also know that I will always be playing for San Diego as well.

I think the number one stat that is a direct correlation on winning and losing is turnovers.

I'm trying to not get too caught up in what I can't control.

I never intended to be a running quarterback.

My happiness is not going to be driven solely on whether we win a Super Bowl or not.

One of my favorite parts of this game is being a teammate.

I want it to be clear that my love for San Diego, the time here, the memories we had, the games, the practices, everything about it is special and awesome. That will never go away.