It doesn't eat at me. As a competitor, it drives you. It's hard to say this without someone saying, 'Golly, he doesn't care that much.' I want to win a championship for our team, for our organization. I want us to win one bad. But do I lose sleep over it? Or would I be miserable one day if I never did it? The answer is no.

I've always watched the Hall of Fame speeches. Thought about what I would talk about if I ever was up there. But I don't wake up in the morning thinking about wanting to be in the Hall of Fame. I really don't.

I used to struggle mentally in these preseason games because you know you're not going to be in there long.

There's something about that 15- to 18-year-old boy, the time of their life that you can really impact them, not only on the field but off the field and still get the competitiveness that I love.

I want to coach my boys and coach those boys that are 15 to 18 years old.

I can't imagine ever not having a team, being a part of a team trying to win a game.

You want to be awesome in Qualcomm.

I don't if I can handle not being on the sideline and being part of a team trying to win a football game on Friday nights.

Peyton's always a favorite. It is special to look over and say, 'Peyton Manning is leading that team over there.' That's special to me.

I remember asking my mom, 'Can you be the quarterback and the drum major at halftime?' I mean it's like, what in the world? I wanted to go play quarterback, and I wanted to lead the band. I don't know how old I was but I vaguely remember asking them that.

If you are not nervous for your first NFL game, then something is probably wrong with you.

If I'm healthy and the Chargers still want me to hang around, I'm going to go until they tell me to get out.

All the valuable lessons I learned from my dad, little questions to big, and that's what I want my children to do.

There are certain things you can't coach, you've got to watch a guy do it.

It's always good to get back in game action.

I like being one of the guys.

Sometimes you have long work days. Sometimes you have to be on the road a lot. But when you're home, be home.

You can find rumors on anything on the Internet. I think I could even find rumors on the Internet that I get too worked up in games.

To me, the most fun games are where we get in the no-huddle, we get in kind of a groove and the defense has a Mike linebacker who can go no-huddle with you.

To me, the preseason is the most over-analyzed 10 plays or whatever it is - ever.

We know there are a lot of ups and downs to the season.

Sometimes getting hit in the mouth ain't all bad. It can even make you respond in the right way.

Early in the year, you never know how teams are going to be.

I know what I'm about. My teammates know, my family knows, everything else, I can't worry about.