Everyone hates the best clubs, it is as simple as that.

I've always said I aspire to follow the likes of John Terry, Michael Dawson and Rio Ferdinand. I always watch what they do and try and learn from them.

I know when I step into midfield I have to sharpen my feet up and be more aware of what's around me, at centre back it's more about timing, positioning and communication.

You always get that buzz, that feeling of shivers down the back of your neck every time you walk out at Old Trafford or anywhere.

People have different opinions. They are entitled to that and as professionals we get on with it and forget about it and concentrate on what we do on the pitch.

Having more money allows you to play in a certain way, but that's the beauty of the Premier League - there are so many different styles.

I'm not a player who needs telling every day in training 'you're brilliant, you're this, you're that'... but it's always nice to hear comments from the manager and people around that you're doing well.

I want to stop goals going in the net.

Own goals happen to the best of players.

I would never have dreamed of being able to lift the Premier League trophy.

Ever since I was at Blackburn, when you talk about getting pro contracts I was never the guy that was talked about as, 'This guy is going to be the best player, the next best thing.'

I don't know when I will peak and be at my best but I am learning every day and as long as I keep doing that I am happy.

It is nice to be playing and involved.

That is all you can ask, for a manager to be honest and tell you how things are.

People can assume and predict and it is up to us to prove them all wrong.

One minute you can be the blue-eyed boy and the next match you can be slated.

I have always said that if I get a run of games and stay fit I know what I am capable of.

People want us to fail because we have won the league so many times. United won the league long before I was here.

I don't think any training session can get you ready for a game in the Premier League, never mind playing against Liverpool.

People don't wake up one morning and say: 'I fancy being injured today.' It is just the way it is.

Conceding just before half-time never helps.

You cannot build a partnership on four games.

We are at a massive club here at Manchester United and if things aren't going as well as they should be then there is always going to be people wanting to have a dig and a pop at you.

People criticising does spur you on. You are always going to get critics.