Show me a team of the stature of Chelsea, Manchester United, Real Madrid, or Barcelona who is not obsessed with winning the Champions League. If they are not, I'd be surprised why they play in it.

The connection between the Soviet Union and Czech people - or Czech politicians - was very big. It was like a model country for us. But it wasn't the best model, so a lot of Czechs don't like to speak about Russia or the Soviet Union.

You always have years when you go through transition and the side needs to be rebuilt. Or you have changes in terms of managers.

One day, if I feel the fear of putting my head in the middle of some battle or scrum, then I stop.

Now the ambulance is always ready; the paramedics are always ready. People in the crowd can get help without risk. If you look at the Fabrice Muamba case, this is what helped save his life - the paramedics are there.

When you make a mistake, you have to admit it.

It is a great challenge to be playing against the best players in the world, and I always wanted to play in the Premier League and be a part of this league.

It's the life of the manager: when you make a decision, and the team doesn't win, the pressure comes. But that's part of the life of a manager and footballers as well.

I gave my first interview when I arrived at Chelsea in 2004, and I had said that it had been my dream to play for one of the best clubs in the world and in the best league in the world - this came true, and I am very pleased my dream will last.

I would like to be a manager, to organize everything in training, see if my philosophy could work, and give it to the team.

As a goalkeeper, Van der Sar can do everything. He is very good at coming off his line, and he is also effective as a libero - what they call in England a 'sweeper keeper.'

The big teams are about the Champions League.

I play football, not to only enjoy it - and I love the challenge of playing and competing with the best players - but I want to have the chance to win games.

It is always great to be a position like this, where you play for everything because it is so exciting.

People always use the word 'obsession' in a negative way, which I'm always amazed by. We are not obsessed in the way that, if we don't win it, we'll just go and shoot ourselves. That's not the case. We are obsessed with the Champions League because this is a great competition to win. In a positive way, we try to search for the victory.

Every time Luis Suarez is close, he pushes defenders around.

Young Petr Cech was sports mad, football mad.

Obviously, as long as I enjoy it, I'm fit, and have the desire to work 100 per cent every day with the same motivation, then I want to play.

For a big club, you can accept that the team does not win the league because it is in transition, but you cannot afford to slip out of the Champions League spot.

I want to be playing, I want to have a chance to compete for my position in the team, and I want to be useful for the team and do the usual stuff on the pitch week in, week out.

His ball technique is superb, but most importantly, he can react to how the game develops. At the last possible moment in any situation, he can find the ideal solution. There are a lot of ways that Messi can finish an attack.

As a player, it's better to wait a moment for the correct call than be let down by an incorrect call.

As a player, you try your best to make things happen, and the rest is up to others.

Buffon is fearless and has no obvious weaknesses. He has been outstanding for Juventus and was one of Italy's most important players at the 2006 World Cup finals in Germany, where they were victorious, but what is amazing is that he has been playing like that for years. He never seems to make a mistake.