Everybody makes mistakes, and I am a human being.

You can't control games for 90 minutes; there will be moments where the opponents will show their quality.

Every time you can score more goals you should try to do so.

Sometimes, if a striker is not scoring as many goals, they can still be in good form.

I think it's very useful when you want to be the team who create. You need to create this superiority at the back when you build up using the goalkeepers.

Obviously, you have the physicality and the way the game is played in the Premier League. The goalkeeper is not as protected as in Europe or different leagues.

Sometimes, when you have a young team full of enthusiasm, they don't feel any pressure; they just play.

You need to defend as a team to defend well.

Unfortunately, the manager is always the one who gets under pressure the most.

With goal-line technology, there are plenty of results that could be changed.

There are some people who have left me negative messages, but they aren't true Chelsea fans.

True fans will appreciate what I've done and the legacy I've left.

Obviously, every player wants to keep their spot in the starting line-up, and I'm the same.

In big clubs, you always have competitions for places.

Who is the best goalkeeper in the world? It's always hard to choose because there are so many great goalkeepers.

You can be the best manager in the world, but if the players don't trust you, it will never work.

I speak all my languages basically every day with the people in the dressing room, and it's a pleasure to be able to do so. On the pitch, if it's a group of players I'm trying to communicate with, then I use English because you need to make sure everyone understands what you are saying.

If you take the autobiographies of great sports people, they are almost always the same. They start with zero; they are always ambitious, know what they want to do in life, and have the confidence to do it.

Football is a collective sport, but goalkeeping is an individual sport.

I always like to do things the right way.

You win the way you have to.

Unfortunately, money is very important in this world we live in, but it is up to every individual to deal with it.

It's always difficult to say if anyone is in the best form of their career.

It's always good to have the right call in the end.