I think, in football, everything goes fast, and as fast as you can go up, you can go down. So basically, every day you work to be ready.

There are so many things that a goalkeeper coming to the Premier League has not experienced in a different league.

Wenger and Mourinho are different, but there is one thing they have in common, and that is that they do not like defeats. And I think this is the driving force behind the success of both of them.

Every team needs people who guide you through the difficult moments.

Jose Mourinho doesn't have a magic wand, and you wave the wand, and everything goes the way you want.

I'm amazed people talk about my helmet - saying it makes me feel psychologically better. I would love to play without it, but I'm not allowed to by the doctor. As long as I'm told by the doctor I'm running too much risk to play without it, I'll play with it. There's no other way for me.

Once the surgeon said the skull is strong enough with the helmet on, I decided to return to training with the team.

All managers have a different playing style and football philosophy. What's important for players is being able adapt to those different styles.

Chelsea has grown in my heart, not just because of my team-mates and all the people that work for the club but also because of their fantastic fans.

When I was in high school, I started learning English as my second foreign language, but my level of English at that time was very average.

Once you're on the pitch, you play for your team, and you want to win. During the year, you can play against friends - you can play against big friends and close friends - but once you are on the pitch, this friendship goes away, and you just focus on winning the game.

I had a depressed skull fracture. A few pieces of bone went in quite deep; that was the biggest danger.

I played tennis a lot when I had the skull injury. For the first two months of my preparation, it was all I could do. It is a great sport for me because it helps my hand-eye coordination, and you need quick feet, which is a good exercise for a keeper.

If a team concedes a goal, then the first question is always of the goalkeeper.

Buffon may be a bit smaller, but he has everything that you want from a great goalkeeper. He relays his confidence to his defence, and they feel that they have a great keeper behind them. Everybody can make mistakes, but his consistency level is amazing. You never see him have a bad game.

I speak five languages, which actually makes it easier when you join a new team. You can settle much quicker because you can help team-mates much faster and better. People need to be careful around me, though - I can understand everything.

I like people who tell you what they think straight away instead of going around in circles.

Every summer at a club is important because you have some changes in the squad.

When you are going for every trophy, it is always good to have as many points as early as possible in the Champions League, and then you can concentrate on the league and the Carling Cup.

Sometimes you need to make sure that, no matter how you do it, you win the games.

Do I want to play every game? Yes, I want to play every game. But I also understand it's impossible.

In football, you only work for the things you can control. You cannot control the outside world: you can only control your preparation; you can only control your performances.

In a way, the manager plays as big part, but you, as a player, are on the pitch. He cannot make you run if you don't want to; he cannot make you make the right decision in the heat of the moment.

Football is played by 11 players, and unfortunately, every time, it happens that some do well, and some do worse.