My mates will tell me they saw me in the newspaper linked to this club and that club, but to be honest it goes in one ear and out the other.

The manager picks the team and the team has got to go out and do its best.

Teams like Bayern are who you want to be playing; if you want to test yourselves against the best you have to play them.

United need to be in the Champions League.

Consistency is key in any sport and it's no different here.

Football's football, it can change very quickly. I know that, I've experienced that many times.

As long as I am playing and enjoying playing, then that is all that matters.

I am not one who needs to be patted on the back every single day and told I am brilliant. Some players need that, I don't.

When the chips are down, you see who the real fighters are. That is the beauty of Manchester United.

Players like routines. They like to know what they're doing in the week and in training.

Schweinsteiger has got class, he's won the World Cup, he's won everything in the game and he's got experience and that's massive, especially at Manchester United.

Hopefully, I can stay in the Premier League for my whole career.

I think England is the best league for me, for my style of play.

I don't care how good you are, teams can be put under pressure.

You win some, you lose some and then you get on with it.

As long as I am in the team, it doesn't matter whether I am in goal.

I have said from day one I see myself as a center back. But, if I am asked to play in midfield or at right-back, I am happy to do so.

If we make an important block, it can be like a goal.

It's the striker's job to put the ball in the net and it's up to us to make important tackles and blocks.

I just love to defend!

It doesn't matter what anyone tells me, I know that I can rely on myself. It comes from my parents. They are the same strong-minded people as I am and I just don't let anyone bring me down.

One of my strong points is that, no matter what anyone says about me, it will not affect me, it's because I believe in my ability and what I can achieve.

I want to be remembered one day as a great player, good athlete and a good professional.

It's brilliant for me to even be considered as being a player who could become as good as Duncan Edwards was.