I watch box sets. I worked my way through 'Breaking Bad' and 'Prison Break.'

I don't think it's fair comparing Barcelona's style with that of Roma.

I like to play, it doesn't matter where.

Italian football is just how I imagined it to be - far more tactical than the Spanish game which is based on technique.

Barcelona have a unique approach to the game based on specific types of footballers playing together as one.

The more you play, you get a better rhythm and play better.

One thing that I like from a coach is that they don't put up too big a distance between the player and the trainer.

In Spain, people do not respect the players, the same in Italy. In England, it looks like a different world - the people admire the player, but also respect the player.

I learned and played with the very best like Messi, Xavi and Iniesta.

When you play with a big club, you need to get results every single day, even more when a homegrown player goes into the first team. It's not easy.

I played many matches and got experience very early. Did I lose some of my childhood? This is one of the things that I am more sensitive about and that touched me the most, because I am a family person. There are many moments that I haven't had the chance to enjoy with my family and also with my friends.

When you are 17, you don't know what pressure is, because you play with the best team in big stadiums with big players. But when I look back now, it's difficult for a 17-year-old to get by and deal with the whole situation.

If you become their property it is much clearer for you, for the club, for everything. It was a great experience to play in three different teams, different leagues, different experiences, but if I wanted to improve I had to break this cycle and make my own way. That's why I signed this contract to come to Stoke.

Christmas time is for me one of the most special times of the year.

Frank Rijkaard put me in the first team when I was 17 and gave me every week the chance to play with the first team and start my way in football. I was so young and my dreams came true so quickly thanks to Rijkaard.

Some people like Messi didn't have to learn a lot as his is a natural style. But of course you can improve your technique, your football intelligence, your everything.

It's a quiet life. Normally it's training, house, gym.

It is important to find a place where you feel trust, you feel belonging and stability.

Sometimes innocence is a good thing but I think life, experiencing different situations, different clubs, gives you a lot of knowledge.

I think when you are 17 you are very innocent.

In the end, I know my qualities and I know I'm not Messi. I'm Bojan.

My first year I scored 10 goals in La Liga. Then people started saying 'yeah, the new Messi.'

In Italy, one game you win and score, you cannot go in the street because the people are so enthusiastic, and when you lose they go crazy. After the game they wait for you.

I feel really proud of my career - more here in England than in Spain. There are different mentalities. Here the people respect you.