It's very rewarding when you know you're affecting a young person in a positive way, when you know you're helping influence them in the right direction. Teaching them by example, giving them examples, showing humility and respect and love for your child and wife.

Any time you experience adversity, whether you lose a game or maybe have an official who makes a poor call that costs you the game, you've gotta handle yourself properly. Just like in life, not everything will go your way.

I think all coaches look at it as a major part of our job: to build young men, not just ball players. To put the right things in front of them, and help them mature as men, not just as players.

Coaches around the country are influencing the next generation of men in a positive way.

Sam Bradford was one of the most humble and grounded players I've ever been around; he got it. But I even told him, what makes you think those fans in the stands are wearing No.14 for you? Who says it's not an old Josh Heupel jersey?

The coaching life is like a relay race and I'm thankful for my turn and am confident as I pass the baton.

Spend a day around my players, around my African-American players, my Hispanic players, my Polynesian players, and you'll see the true beauty of who they are.

It's a life issue more than anything when you're dealing with racism anywhere... It's a life issue - bigger than sports, bigger than football.

I have this routine where on Fridays I sign balls that need to be autographed. One time, after my fortieth or fiftieth ball, I looked over at my secretary and said, 'Who is Bob Stoops, anyway?'

I was an undersized, undertalented defensive back. I knocked myself out multiple times running into people. I ended my career without an anterior cruciate ligament. I still don't have one. At a certain point, you realize: I've used up all I've got.

The characteristic that every college football coach should look for in a wife is independence.

Football is all about repetition. The trick for a coach is to be innovative when you ask for it.

In the end, everybody's life's different. Some things fit certain ways for people, and it's right, and maybe it isn't for others.

Everyone wants you to define your life until the end of your life.

I'm not looking to coach in Chicago.

This game we play is the ultimate total team game. Quarterback by himself isn't winning it. You got 11-12 coaches, you've got a lot of people that have a hand in it.

No matter how angry people on the outside were when you don't perform well, a coach is 10 times what anyone else is feeling. Nothing digs at you more. But that's part of our business.

Carl Pendleton's the absolute best. He's everything you want in a student-athlete.

If you keep hanging on to something, you've got an opportunity to keep getting hurt by it.

It's impossible to remove agendas.

Surely, AP or the coaches are all aware everybody has agendas. Anybody who's on TV has one. You know, that's viewership and ratings and those kinds of things.

Every now and then a little bit of change never hurts.

You don't really want to play your brother. You want to play your brother in a championship game because not only does someone lose, someone's going to win a championship, too. To me, that's the only time you're really looking to do it.

It definitely gives you a boost away from home and being down and coming back.