I'm probably the only guy in hockey who can win a scoring title and everybody is saying I had a bad year. I don't worry about it.

I miss all the shots I don't take.

When I broke into professional hockey at 17 I was told that I was too small and too slow and I wouldn't make the NHL. Now it's kind of flip-flopped and the sense is I can't be a good coach because I was a great athlete.

The only shot I ALWAYS miss, is the one I don't take!

Finally I was able to see that if I had a contribution I wanted to make, I must do it, despite what others said. That I was OK the way I was. That it was all right to be strong.

Every person who has ever achieved anything has been knocked down many times. But all of them picked themselves up and kept going, and that is what I have always tried to do.

What has been forgotten.... is never something purely individual.

How many cities have revealed themselves to me in the marches I undertook in the pursuit of books!

Tests were always easy for me. I saw them as games, saw myself as being in a contest against a mythical adversary, and welcomed the challenge.

Once i began to read I began to exist

I am too real not to know that real will kill me I am too street not to know what the streets hold for me

I just desperately wish this was only a movie.

What did I do? I walked into a drugstore to look for some mints, and then I walked out. What was wrong with that? I didn't kill Mr. Nesbitt.

She is the only rose that doesn’t smell of plastic

On the streets of the city They have taken my Who-I-Am As well as my What-I-Was And now I am desperate for them both Again

He was trying to convince himself that he wasn't guilty.

A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.

I placed a jar in Tennessee and round it was upon a hill.

I was myself the compass of that sea: I was the world in which I walked, and what I saw Or heard or felt came not but from myself; And there I found myself more truly and more strange.

I certainly do not exist from nine to six, when I am at the office.

I am what is around me.

The exceeding brightness of this early sun Makes me conceive how dark I have become.

I do not know which to prefer, The beauty of inflections Or the beauty of innuendos The blackbird whistling Or just after.

The drowsiness returns. It is unwelcome. I recognize it as the sort of fitful twilight which has come over me of late, a twilight where waking dreams are dreamed and sleep never comes.