As soon as somebody farts around me, I think it's hilarious. This is something my brothers did that now the boys at work are obsessed with. You cup it, and then you throw it in someone's face and say, ‘Take a bite out of that cheeseburger!'

I feel like I'm over-paid-attention-to. I'm not trying to be a GIF. I'm not trying to be a picked-up-on-Twitter quote. All I'm trying to do is act. And I have to promote movies. And I am, at the end of the day, I guess, a f - king lunatic.

I remember during Oscar season, the thing I hated most was being talked to differently; people treat you differently. And then I suddenly understood why celebrities can be so weird; it's hard to act normal when no-one treats you normally.

In real life, bad things happen and they're not funny, and then bad things happen and they can be funny. When you're unhappy you don't go an entire time without laughing. You don't go your whole life without laughing. It's just life.

It's just so bizarre how in this world if you have asthma, you take asthma medication. If you have diabetes, you take diabetes medication. But as soon as you have to take medicine for your mind, it's such a stigma behind it.

I had to have running training because I'm not a very good runner. I run weird. ... The hardest stunt is probably basic running. And trying not to hit myself in the face with my bow, are my two greatest challenges.

You ask if you look good and you know people are lying. It was a depressing thing to experience. I was going to these parties where I used to be ignored and then all of a sudden people are paying attention to me.

I can't even describe to anybody what it feels like to have my naked body shot across the world like a news flash against my will. It just makes me feel like a piece of meat that's being passed around for profit.

I eat like a caveman.

Knowledge is honestly everything. It's not just books and staying behind a desk and having a diploma. There's also traveling and knowledge about people, and what I do and scripts and books.

I'm trying not to change.

I've never considered failure.

Sometimes I feel like a vampire

I'm dead sober. This is just me.

Why can't I say anything normal?

I need to just find my own peace.

Well, at least I had on underwear

What does it say, 'I beat Meryl.'

I want a pizza with my face on it.

We hould totally make out right now

Being inappropriate comes easy to me.

Without my family, I would be nothing.

It's better to look strong and healthy.

When people get more me, they'll hate me.