Eating is one of my favorite parts of the day

I've always loved food too much to be a model.

A bad word that I can't say that starts with f.

I love Photoshop more than anything in the world!

I was going to come in and push you down the stairs.

My career is one thing in my life that I don't plan.

I don't trust a girl who doesn't have any girlfriends.

I was having chest pains. Photoshop made it glamorous.

Be strong. Don't be a follower. Always do the right thing.

I went through a wood-chopping phase when I was nine or 10.

All I need in a relationship is somebody to watch TV with me.

You don't go your whole life without laughing. It's just life.

I have the street smarts and survival skills of, like, a poodle.

I’d rather look chubby on screen and like a person in real life.

You're not gonna give somebody more money if they don't ask for it.

Across all fields, women are generally paid 21 percent less than men.

Anytime you're away from your home filming, it messes with your head.

More women have to be in charge of studios, so that they can greenlight films with women.

People treating you differently, when you don't feel any different, is really alienating.

If you are going to do something that you have to lie about, don't do it, it's very simple.

Like backstage, I just peed like every 3 seconds. I think yur staff thinks I have diarrhea.

I’m a big believer in accepting yourself the way you are and not really worrying about it.

Why can't we just be nice? It's like, we grow up, and then we get right back into high school.

I never leave my house. Then I don't have to put a bra on, and I don't have to change my pants.