I was hot and I knew it and it went to my head.

Mothers don't let your daughters grow up to be models unless you're present.

Self-help books are for the birds. Self-help groups are where it's at.

I've been the queen of dysfunction and made every mistake one can make.

I wish I'd gotten sober at a younger age.

I can wrap my legs around my neck.

I was lusted after walking down the streets of New York.

I grew up studying ballet; I grew up honing my craft.

I'm able to move like no one else you've ever seen in front of a camera.

I have a very vivid imagination.

Everyone steals from something or someone.

I borrow bits from everyone.

I have to wake up and drink chamomile tea to slow down.

Beauty opened all the doors; it got me things I didn't even know I wanted, and things I certainly didn't deserve.

I was shaped by my mistakes.

I'm keeping my acerbic wit completely fueled.

Were I to fall in love, indeed, it would be a different thing; but I have never been in love ; it is not my way, or my nature; and I do not think I ever shall.

It is happy for you that you possess the talent of flattering with delicacy. May I ask whether these pleasing attentions proceed from the impulse of the moment, or are they the result of previous study?

Men were put into the world to teach women the law of compromise.

They walked on, without knowing in what direction. There was too much to be thought, and felt, and said, for attention to any other objects.

Nothing is more deceitful," said Darcy, "than the appearance of humility. It is often only carelessness of opinion, and sometimes an indirect boast.

Now be sincere; did you admire me for my impertinence?" "For the liveliness of your mind, I did.

Do not give way to useless alarm; though it is right to be prepared for the worst, there is no occasion to look on it as certain.

Do not give way to useless alarm; though it is right to be prepared for the worst, there is no occasion to look on it as certain.