"The safe haven that al-Qaida has found in Pakistan is very troubling."

"I can't stand the kind of paralysis that some people fall into because they're not happy with the choices they've made."

"I've always been intrigued by the Senate, and admired many of the people who have served there."

"There's a certain consistency to who I am and what I do, and I think people have finally said, 'Well, you know, I kinda get her now.' I've actually had people say that to me."

"When I traveled as secretary of state, I was deluged with thick briefing books full of information about the politics, economy, and culture of each destination, so those took up most of my reading time."

"I still passionately support comprehensive immigration reform legislation with a path to full and equal citizenship."

"One of the biggest problems that Egypt faces is the lack of border security - the importation of weapons on their way to Gaza, for example, coming out of Sudan."

"All of us have to recognize that we owe our children more than we have been giving them."

"There is nothing fast or easy about diplomacy. I have no illusions about that."

"I think that we have to be constantly asking ourselves, 'How do we calculate the risk?' And sometimes we don't calculate it correctly; we either overstate it or understate it."

"Cooking, decorating, diet/self-help and gardening books are guilty pleasures and useful time fillers."

"Every nation has to either be with us, or against us. Those who harbor terrorists, or who finance them, are going to pay a price."

"Of course, parents are the most important people in a child's life."

"Every president, if you watch what they look like when they come into office, you can see their hair turn white because it's such a hard job."

"I sometimes think that I didn't leave the Republican Party, as much as it left me."

"This is a moment in history where it is almost hard to catch your breath."

"I always run inclusive and successful organisations."

"I take vitamins."

"I don't have any comment on who the people of Russia choose to be their leaders."

"You have to test your ideas in a public forum."

"One of the things I have been preaching around the world is collecting taxes in an equitable manner, especially from the elites."

"Israel has a right to defend itself."

"I will read anything by Laura Hillenbrand, Walter Isaacson, Barbara Kingsolver, John le Carre, John Grisham, Hilary Mantel, Toni Morrison, Anna Quindlen and Alice Walker."

"I want to work with my husband and my daughter on our mutual foundation interests."