"All my means are sane, my motive and my object mad."

"There is all the different in the world between paying and being paid."

"The path to my fixed purpose is laid with iron rails whereon my soul is grooved to run"

"I am a man who, from his youth upwards, has been filled with a profound conviction that the easiest way of life is the best."

"Queequeg was a native of Kokovoko, an island far away to the West and South. It is not down in any map; true places never are."

"And tell him to paint me a sign, with-"no suicides permitted here, and no smoking in the parlor;" might as well kill both birds at once."

"Madman! Look through my eyes if thou hast none of thine own."

"You cannot hide the soul."

"Ah, Humanity"

"In truth, a mature man who uses hair oil, unless medicinally, that man has probably got a quoggy spot in him somewhere."

"He piled upon the whale's white hump the sum of all the general rage and hate felt by his whole race from Adam down; and then, as if his chest had been a mortar, he burst his hot heart's shell upon it."

"To a sensitive being, pity is not seldom pain."

"...hell is an idea first born on an undigested apple-dumpling..."

"[T]hen all collapsed, and the great shroud of the sea rolled on as it rolled five thousand years ago."

"[T]here is no folly of the beasts of the earth which is not infinitely outdone by the madness of men."

"Doesn't the devil live forever; who ever heard that the devil was dead? Did you ever see any person wearing mourning for the devil?"

"Are not half our lives spent in reproaches for foregone actions, of the true nature and consequences of which we were wholly ignorant at the time?"

"Ego non baptizo te in nomine patris, sed in nomine diaboli!"

"All mortal greatness is but disease."

"My body is but the lees of my better being."

"Because no man can ever feel his own identity aright except his eyes be closed; as if darkness were indeed the proper element of our essences, though light be more congenial to our clayey part."

"Thou saw'st the locked lovers when leaping from their flaming ship; heart to heart they sank beneath the exulting wave; true to each other, when heaven seemed false to them."

"I am past scorching; not easily can’st thou scorch a scar."

"Better sleep with a sober cannibal than a drunken Christian."