"I like to make my husband like me more, and he likes it when I'm wearing makeup."

"Every day I fail at something."

"You can't plan anything, right? You can try."

"A miracle... my biggest accomplishment is my marriage so far. Because it's hard, everyone knows it's hard."

"Being a mom is hard, I think a lot of working moms feel that way."

"I have to be creative to be happy."

"My mom and dad met at Anaheim High School. After they got married, all they wanted to do was have four children, and they did."

"Born to blossom, bloom to perish"

"Out of all the artistic things I do, music is the most rewarding because it's so hard to write songs."

"It takes a lot of selfish time to make music."

"I'm kind of lazy. I like to lie around with my husband and watch TV and stuff like that."

"I've been trying to do films for years. So I've decided to wait until the next good part comes along and develop a record on my own in the meantime."

"I have learned to delegate."

"This last year I kind of stopped working out. I think my body just needed a break. And so I did that, and focused more on feeling good as opposed to beating myself up."

"Act as young as you feel. You're not getting older; you're getting more entitled to be your fabulous self."

"Sentences must stir in a book like leaves in a forest, each distinct from each despite their resemblance."

"Years passed; and he endured the idleness of his intelligence and the inertia of his heart."

"Anything becomes interesting if you look at it long enough."

"Everything measurable passes, everything that can be counted has an end. Only three things are infinite: the sky in its stars, the sea in its drops of water, and the heart in its tears."

"For him the universe did not extend beyond the circumference of her petticoat."

"The whole dream of democracy is to raise the proletariat to the level of stupidity attained by the bourgeoisie."

"Maybe happiness too is a metaphor invented on a day of boredom"

"Isn’t ‘not to be bored’ one of the principal goals of life?"

"And he beholds the moon; like a rounded fragment of ice filled with motionless light."