"Motherhood is not for the faint-hearted. Frogs, skinned knees, and the insults of teenage girls are not meant for the wimpy."

"I had learned firsthand that tragedy and disappointment can strike any of us at any time."

"I never wanted to settle for ‘good enough.’ I wanted ‘great’ or nothing."

"All rights reserved. No part of this book may"

"Seemed silly to Faith. And offensive"

"Anything interesting to save my life, just"

"Followed her outside, deeply moved."

"Yesterday's happenings are the reasons of Today's situation."

"Life and death; A Gift of Hope, a memoir"

"But neither of them seemed"

"Smoke a cigar. Sophie had heard him come in and found him there. She was surprised he"

"I don't want to make a mistake and marry the wrong woman. I'd rather be alone."

"Time she decorated the nursery in neutral"

"Together they were more than they each were alone. They didn’t take away from each other, they added all that they were."

"Five minutes …five days …and a lifetime forever changed in a single moment."

"A man who really likes you and cares about you won’t care about your weight one way or another."

"Love is a shoot star that lands in your heart, and lives forever."

"Everett thought about it for a minute before he answered. "I go on with my life. I keep coming to meetings. And I love her forever."

"Can a recovering alcoholic and a nun be happy together? Stay tuned."

"I'd love to do well on a big weekend with people watching and cheering, of course. But it's not fair to create an expectation level before I know what is realistic. I want to finish as well as possible. Is that top 20? Top 15? Top 25? You just have to play it by ear."

"The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their silence at times of crisis."

"Even brilliant scientists Google themselves."

"When multiple explanations exist, the simplest is usually correct."

"Nobody tells you what you can and can't do."