"Empty?! You took all the cookies!" "They were crying to get out of the jar... Cookies get claustrophobia too, you know!"

"It doesn't matter what you believe just so long as you're sincere."

"All is well... That's my new philosophy..."

"If I were given the opportunity to present a gift to the next generation, it would be the ability for each individual to learn to laugh at himself."

"Only in math can you buy sixty cantaloupes and no one asks what the hell is wrong with you."

"Have you ever known anyone who was happy? And was still in his right mind, I mean..."

"What if everyone in the whole world suddenly decided to run away from his problems?" "Well, at least we'd all be running in the same direction!"

"Love is not knowing what you're talking about."

"It's better to live one day as a lion than a dozen years as a sheep."

"Dearest darling, how I love you. Words cannot tell how much I love you. So forget it."

"I have deep feelings of depression... What can I do about this?' 'Snap out of it! Five cents, please."

"I wonder if there's such a thing as a spiritual dentist? I think my whole personality is full of cavities!"

"Never worry about tomorrow, Charlie Brown. Tomorrow will soon be today, and before you know it, today will be yesterday! I always worry about the day after tomorrow!"

"The red-letter days, now become, to all intents and purposes, dead-letter days."

"I have stated, that in the thirteen species of ground-finches, a nearly perfect gradation may be traced, from a beak extraordinarily thick, to one so fine, that it may be compared to that of a warbler."

"Idleness and timidity often despair without being overcome, and forbear attempts for fear of being defeated; and we may promote the invigoration of faint endeavors, by showing what has already been performed"

"Those who attain to any excellence commonly spend life in some single pursuit, for excellence is not often gained upon easier terms."

"At seventy-seven it is time to be earnest."

"We stopped looking for monsters under our bed when we realized that they were inside us."

"I said goodbye again sucking up all that was left of her into the little that was left of me. I said, 'don't look for me again. fuck it. we are all lost. goodbye, goodbye."

"I want so much that is not here and do not know where to go."

"I carry death in my left pocket. Sometimes I take it out and talk to it: "Hello, baby, how you doing? When you coming for me? I'll be ready."

"It wasn’t my day. My week. My month. My year. My life. God damn it."

"Lighting new cigarettes, pouring more drinks. It has been a beautiful fight. Still is."