"If I go to places where other people are playing, I often get up and play myself. I just enjoy the sound and feel of playing."

"The potential audience seems to be dwindling in the states. I was kind of embarrassed for the band because of the size of the audience."

"For a time I didn't want to answer any questions about Queen. I'd like to be viewed as something alive and relevant, not some fossil."

"For a time I didn't want to answer any questions about Queen. I'd like to be viewed as something alive and relevant, not some fossil."

"I've always lived in that guitar world. I have noticed kids being more into the real essence of guitar music now."

"You want to go in the steam bath to get your vocals sounding well, but you don't want your fingers to get soft."

"My big hobby is photography. I collect stereo photographs from the 19th century."

"My children hate me being such a big star. It's very hard for them to have a father who is always in the public eye."

"This man (FreddieMercury) truly possessed the greatest voice in the history of rock. Journalists, culture experts and analysts have already made several hundred comments on this topic and nothing can be added here."

"I don't surf the net in general. I have someone do it for me instead, because I find it sluggish."

"I think Queen tribute bands are great. However, we have to keep them at arm's length, otherwise it could be too dangerous."

"A Queen track has those big, thick, block harmonies."

"Doing Made In Heaven was like assembling a jigsaw puzzle, but I wouldn't have put my seal of approval on it if I hadn't thought it was up to standard."

"I think Hammer's very cool: he has a great voice and great presence."

"When we were touring heavily in America, we based ourselves there for a couple of years, but now we're all back here and it seems to be the place."

"What we were trying to do differently was this sort of layered sound."

"We wouldn't have put it out with the name Queen on it if we didn't think it was musically up to scratch."

"I'd put a lot of work into playing guitar and was thinking I was pretty damn good. But Hendrix came along and destroyed everyone."

"Everything suddenly seems displaced, subtle gradations erase borders, but it’s more forceful than that."

"Nothing. Nothing makes me happy. I like nothing," I tell her."

"And," Price adds, smiling, "if another round of Bellinis comes within a twenty-foot radius of our table we are going to set the maitre d' on fire. So you know, warn him."

"A vast and abandoned world laid out in anonymous grids and quadrants, a view that confirmed you were much more alone than you thought you were, a view that inspired the flickering thoughts of suicide."

"There is no time for the innocent."

"Do you wear a diaphragm everywhere you go?' I want to scream, but stop myself because the idea really excites me."