"I've been accused of being very vain about my apathy."

"Who is this girl? Why is she alive? Wonder if I should leave right now. Get up and say, 'Goodnight fuck-ups, it's been a sheer sensation and I hope I never see any of you again,' and leave?"

"And as the elevator descents, passing the second floor, and the first floor, going even father down, I realize that the money doesn't matter. That all that does is that I want to see the worst"

"...if you're alone nothing bad can happen to you."

"This is true: the world is better off with some people gone. Our lives are not all interconnected. That theory is crock. Some people truly do not need to be here."

"How could she ever understand that there isn't any way could be disappointed since I no longer find anything worth looking forward to?"

"I like the idea of a writer being haunted by his own creation, especially if the writer resents the way the character defines him."

"But I don't want to wear a condom because I don't feel anything," and she says calmly... glaring at me,"If you don't use one you're not going to feel anything anyway."

"People are afraid to merge."

"After a while you learn that everything stops."

"The images I had were of people being driven mad by living in the city. Images of parents who were so hungry and unfulfilled that they ate their own children."

"What keeps me interested--and it always does--is how can she be a bad actress on film but a good one in reality?"

"...when I look over at Luis in one brief flashing moment his head looks like a talking vagina and it scares the bejesus out of me..."

"Price. You're priceless."

"It strikes me profoundly that the world is more often than not a bad and cruel place."

"I wasn't acting on passion. I was simply acting."

"The Smiths are singing and someone says "Turn that gay angst music off."

"Adjust my dreams for me."

"I've forgotten who I had lunch with earlier, and even more important, where."

"Yes. Yes I am. I am a completely demented misogynist."

"And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am not there."

"Rock 'n' roll. Deal with it."

"What's right? If you want something, you have the right to take it. If you want to do something, you have the right to do it."

"I tried to make meat loaf out of the girl but it becomes too frustrating a task and instead I spend the afternoon smearing her meat all over the walls, chewing on strips of skin I ripped from her body"