"Academic freedom is being lost by a great many people who dare to challenge Darwinism. That's a terrifying situation. That's contrary to the principles of science."

"The sad fact is that spending rises every year, no matter what people want or say they want."

"Trying to pick individual stocks is a trap. I can't do it. Warren Buffett can, but hardly anyone else can beat the indexes over a long period of time."

"We're a lazy, undisciplined generation. I don't exempt myself: I spend way too much, even though I make a good income."

"If there's a recession, I'd buy stocks. That's when you make money: when markets are spooked."

"I'm an economist by training. I don't really work as an economist. I only worked briefly as an economist."

"It's a great stretch for me to do my game show. It's very hard. It's not me at all. The only part that's me is sort of when I'm sitting in the booth looking tormented. That's the only part that's the real me."

"I'm not a Mensa member. I have no idea where that rumor came from. I never have been, and I doubt if I ever will be."

"It doesn't bother me a bit when people say, 'Merry Christmas' to me. I don't think they are slighting me or getting ready to put me in a ghetto. In fact, I kind of like it."

"I have no idea where the concept came from that America is an explicitly atheist country. I can't find it in the Constitution, and I don't like it being shoved down my throat."

"I always assumed scientists were free to ask any question, pursue any line of inquiry without fear or reprisal."

"I have a great pic of my father and Rev. Graham laughing hysterically at some joke with George Pratt Shultz looking on back in 1972 or so."

"When Hollywood sees a good story about a man who sells confidence, they see themselves and they like it."

"Running a real business is exacting, daunting, repetitive work. Even in Silicon Valley."

"Hollywood is largely about scammers and con men. It was my main livelihood for about 25 years, and the scams were beautiful and ugly, cheap and expensive, but, wow, were there a lot of scammers."

"My father is Cuban. Spanish was my first language, but I don't speak it that much anymore because I had dyslexia, and in school they work with you only in English. But I'm proud to be Latina, and most people don't know I am."

"I think that since it's prom, you should definitely wear a long dress. You can wear a short one anytime! This is the moment when you get to be a princess, and for me, that means a sweetheart neckline, long, then pouf - out and big."

"I personally don't think you can love two things like dancing and singing the same exact amount. There is always one that you like more, and that is most likely the one that you're better at, because you try harder in it."

"I have suffered from bullying in many ways, from bullying in school due to my disability in reading, to digital abuse that I deal with on a daily basis. I'd like to tell the kids that are being bullied that no one should have to deal with the abuse, ever!"

"Acting isn't a side thing - you have to live and breathe it."

"Dancing inspires my music. Having your girlfriends all together and just being free and happy."

"Don't try to impress people. Always be yourself!"

"Everyone suffers some injustice in life, and what better motivation than to help others not suffer in the same way."

"I always finish off my look with a spritz of Vera Wang Pink Princess."