"I believe that anyone can become better,if you put in the effort."

"I do have many of the same friends I grew up with. Most I've known since we were three or four years old! I have made new friends as well."

"I don't have to try to be perfect because I know that my fans like me for who I am. They like me because I am weird and kind of funky, but still really calm."

"I don't really hashtag things. Unless I'm talking to somebody and I'm being funny and I say something mean but then I'm like, Hashtag...something that's funny. I like to only hashtag funny things, not real stuff."

"I don't think people realize how much work it takes to make an album."

"I don't want to be that girl who has that same style all the time where the music always sounds exactly the same, and you always know it's her."

"I feel like girls always deserve flowers; it's just a nice thing to do. If you want to make your girlfriend smile, send her flowers!"

"I have to work extra hard because I am dyslexic. People said that I couldn't be an actress, but I'm proving them wrong. Acting has helped me overcome the challenge."

"I know that some girls look up to me for certain things, like dyslexia, and that way I know that they like me for me, so it adds no pressure."

"I like clean-cut, very proper, very elegant looks."

"I love Michael Kors! I also love Miu Miu shoes - they're fabulous, I have so many pairs."

"I love pointy nails! A cute way to add a pop of color to your nails is to make a V-shape at the ends of them in a pastel color."

"I never saw myself as a singer; I never really thought I had the voice for it."

"I practice reading all the time. I read everything and having so many scripts to read, which really helps out as well."

"I really love big scarves. I have a whole bunch."

"I tend to have a lot of guy friends."

"I think everything about my life is magical. I've struggled, and against most odds, I'm truly having the experience of living my dreams."

"I think that everybody needs somebody to really look up to and know that even though you're going through a tough time, you'll get over it."

"I was never a dancer before 'Shake It Up'."

"I'd like to help other kids with dyslexia, because I'm dyslexic. It was very hard, and I know that what I went through, other kids are going through."

"I'm a relationship girl, I like relationships, so I just miss being in one and chilling. And not dating."

"I'm always on Instagram! I'm like an Instagram stalker."

"I'm in the studio for hours in that tiny little box, and really, the performing part is what I'm most excited about."

"I'm not a boy band kind of girl. I like hip-hop, I like R&B."