I'm very, very family oriented. I'm a big cook and a good connoisseur and I only drink very good red wines now.

I've never taken drugs - if you take a drug of your choice, you get some ecstatic feeling.

I just work in order to improve myself as an actor which is what I've always done.

I just try to play more and more difficult roles.

I need a challenge 'cause I don't get the girl anymore.

When you're a young actor you ring your agent every evening. It's not like when you're in Hollywood where you do one picture a year. You just hope you get a day on television.

My circle of friends are not actors at all. None of them are actors, really, because they're are not available. They're always off somewhere.

She brought herself away from the disagreeably clinging thought by her usual method - imagining the sweet sharp sensation of being burned alive.

In the darkness their feet felt that they were going downhill, and each privately and perversely accused the other of taking, deliberately, a path they had followed together once before in happiness.

We are all measured, good or evil, by the wrong we do to others;

I live a mad, abandoned life, draped in a shawl and going from garret to garret.

I hated them anyway, and wondered why it had been worth while creating them in the first place.

The house was vile. She shivered and thought, the words coming freely into her mind, Hill House is vile, it is diseased; get away from here at once.

Well, she asked, how do you gentlemen like living in a haunted house? It's perfectly fine, Luke said, perfectly fine. It gives me an excuse to have a drink in the middle of the night.

I shall commence, I think, with a slight exaggeration and go on from there into an outright lie.

Bow all your heads to our adored Mary Katherine.

Fear is the relinquishment of logic, the willing relinquishing of reasonable patterns. We yield to it or we fight it, but we cannot meet it halfway,

To learn what we fear is to learn who we are. Horror defies our boundaries and illuminates our souls.

The least Charles could have done,' Constance said, considering seriously, 'was shoot himself through the head in the driveway.

In delay there lies no plenty.

I am going to put death in all their food and watch them die.

I would not forget my magic words; they were MELODY GLOUCESTER PEGASUS, but I refused to let them into my mind.

Journeys end in lovers meeting

He was scrupulous about the use of his title because, his investigations being so utterly unscientific, he hoped to borrow an air of respectability, even scholarly authority, from his education.