“Keep your blood clean, your body lean, and your mind sharp.”

“He shuffled into middle-age silently and without protest.”

“Music makes life possible.”

“Getting rid of you is a good thing, that’s why I don’t write you back I’m vomiting every memory from my system”

“Don’t take candy from strangers unless you’re willing to take a ride in the car.”

“I need to know what you think of me so I can form an opinion about myself.”

“we get to Preston and find that it’s depressing”

“The countryside is beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like it. Thatched roofs on the houses. Snow everywhere, the sky is so blue. I’m 22 years old today.”

“There’s no such thing as friendship. You just get what you need when you need it as fast as you can. The only reason that people give is so they can take later on.”

“Life has no instruction manual. Parts and labor can be impossible to find. Many go down the road with parts that are in great need of service. A breakdown is eventual.”

“Life has no instruction manual. Parts and labor can be impossible to find. Many go down the road with parts that are in great need of service. A breakdown is eventual.”

“I think to myself and at the same time, I know these thoughts can’t be the ones I really want to think. That there must be something better to have on my mind than what fills it and refuses to stop occupying all the room.”

“Freedom gives you everything you need to fail on a monumental scale.”

“It hurt to pull out the slivers but I knew that I couldn’t bleed anymore, I had lost too much blood already. Now I remain, scarred and regaining strength.”

“If you’re finding life to be the one thing that’s trying to kill you, I want you to stay alive to rise with the sun and fight back.”

“I couldn’t tell if I was being distant to someone, or rude or even hostile. I only know a good night and a bad night. I know that I remember the bad night longer than the good night.”

“In the place of the things I have denied myself, I have things that mean more to me than sex, fun and happiness ever could.”

“I will do to you what you taught me. I will pass my fingers over my scars and read them like Braille and they will tell me what to do.”

“I love the hate mail I get, the unsigned, misspelled letters telling me to go back to Russia or whatever.”

“There’s a great feeling when you’re totally resolved. When you make the jump from being lonely to being only. When you’re so totally alone and absolute.”

“Don’t let them scar you with their weakness. They will cripple you with their lives. They will make you want to die just to get away from them.”

“I will never be able to pound words into lines To match the velocity of your presence”

“I was listening to the radio the other day in California and one of our songs came on and I jumped because I couldn’t find my microphone. Now that’s damage.”

“I’m twenty-three and I sound like I’m fifty-five.”