“I wear my sunglasses. Keeps you on one side and me on the other.”

“You need a little bit of insanity to do great things.”

“I think that I’m running from something I heard on the radio That everybody’s working for the weekend When does the weekend start? What comes at the end of the week? The end? Picture a tired dog chasing its tail”

“It would be nice to be touched by hands that didn’t want to kill or congratulate me. Sometimes the hands that want to kill me are mine.”

“People that you thought were your friends give you shit about working hard. All I know is that we play hard and a lot of this shit is not fun. Playing is great but the way we live is not the life of a rockstar.”

“In my world there would be as many libraries as there are Starbucks.”

“She can break your fall Or let you fall and break And every time you jump You just know she’s going to catch you”

“I want a soul mate who can sit me down, shut me up, tell me ten things I don’t already know, and make me laugh. I don’t care what you look like, just turn me on.”

“I don't have talent, I have tenacity.”

“I live in my head. It’s the only place I can go where everybody knows me.”

“I learned that you can get away with a lot of shit if you just do it like it’s all you knew how to do.”

“If it's a man's world, as they say, then men: your world is a poorly run carnage fest.”

“I've said it before and I say it again: "A man's got to do what a brainless idiot's got to do.”

“Discipline is money in the bank. A real friend, true strength.”

“I shoved three CDs up my ass and got them out of Tower Records. It hurt like hell but I did it. New Michael Bolton, new Sting, and the best of Sammy Hagar. Totally painful. Definitely worth it.”

“The past is the Jabberwock. Forget not the fallen, but beware the jaws and claws. With your vorpal blade going snicker-snack, kill the fucker, as you go galumphing on.”

“I have gone to great lengths to expand my threshold of pain.”

“Everything you do makes my body scream with loneliness. When I see you, the room swallows me. I find myself at the bottom of the pool.”

“You know, we are one nation under a god. Yes, you were right. An angry, crack slinging god who decorates with bullets and spent condoms.”

“I will not die. I will not break. I will not move. Face it. You’ll go to your grave knowing you never had what it took to stop me.”

“She is the gin. Cold, intoxicating. Gives you a rush, makes you warm inside, makes you lose your head. Take too much, it makes you sick and shuts you down.

“I hope I don't dream tonight. Sometimes you can get so far in yourself that you don't know who you are.”

“A man came up to me the other day and said he hadn't had a bite in weeks. So you know what I did? I walked by him like he didn't even exist.”

“A great way to learn about your country is to leave it.”