“There are literary works that speak for themselves and there are writers who boast through work.”

“Unwritten words grow out of silence.”

“A word is not filling in the gaps, but the fertilization of silence.”

“A right word counts the silence; a bad word is counted by the page.”

“In its proper role, a number counts the missing words.”

“A number is still very accurate, but its role is changed. In the changed role this number enriches the silence.”

“Knowing how to dream is more important than the story, because the story tells itself.”

“The length of novels, poems and stories, is measured by the number of missing words; a thousand pages become one, one becomes a thousand.”

“We don’t know who was tricked by whom. Did the writer deceive the word, or did the word deceive the writer?”

“Words do not choose their company or discriminate among the people who use them.”

“A well paid word deceives them. And what kind of a word is a word that has a price, high or low, which is adjusted to the price of fame, and how, long ago, when it was little appreciated, was it more valuable than it is today with a big price?”

“A word was more valuable to them when they were not sure of its value. Since they became famous, their word has been more expensive but its value is less.”

“It is easy to arrange the words in a story born out of a dream; for a story without a dream, a story itself is not enough.”

“Many writers were better before they became famous.”

“The world of numbers and words is odd. A number is the only word that doesn’t lie and words can be very deceitful; they create the illusion that a large number hides a great word.”

“A versifier passes through the sound; sounds go through a poet.”

“There are anonymous poems and poets without poems.”

“It’s not easy to write a poem about a poem.”

“Different languages, the same thoughts; servant to thoughts and their masters.”

“For a game, you don’t need a teacher.”

“He had an answer to almost everything and he retired at an early age.”

“The same word we love and hate, leaves in different directions, taking different paths.”

“Dream by making and make by dreaming.”

“The night is still waiting.”