“When within yourself you find the road, the right road will open.”

“It is beautiful to talk about beautiful things and even more beautiful to silently gaze at them.”

“Although personal calling I sense, Who am I? even if I am, I don't know.”

“Earth is the source of light.”

“There is a pledge of the big and of the small in the infinite.”

“Digressions are part of harmony, deviations too.”

“From nothing comes everything.”

“Without nothing, everything would be nothing.”

“When he is most powerful, nothing does he become.”

“From everything, nothing looks to nothing.”

Into the day as by dream I swim To the music of nourished meaning.”

“The world contained in a seed, Determined by its program.”

“He awaits himself while walking, out of the icy circle to escape.”

“When everything hurries everywhere, nothing goes anywhere.”

“You are hurrying to the sweet place, To the nonsense chasing your spirit And in the nonsense you look for answers.”

“To the knights of faith nobody believes.”

“There are no clear borders, Only merging invisible to the sight.”

“There is nobody to wake up eternal seekers.”

“The farther away, the closer the home becomes.”

“I can see myself before myself— A being through dark scenery.”

“What does infinity mean to you? Are you not infinity and yourself?”

“Nothing is part of everything.”

“Every star was once darker than the night, before it awoke.”

“In the biggest and the smallest I sleep but at the same place I stay.”