I hate war. Absolutely, I hate war.

The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.

True courage is being afraid, and going ahead and doing your job anyhow, that's what courage is.

It doesn't take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle.

A great deal of the capability of an army is its dedication to its cause and its will to fight. You can have the best equipment in the world, you can have the largest numbers in the world, but, if you're not dedicated to your cause, if you don't have the will to fight, then, you are not going to have a very good army.

"The Navy's battle force in the last eight years has been cut by one third. And the Air Force reports that it is now called on to mount four times as many operations with a force that has been cut by 40 percent,"

"It doesn't take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle."

"He is neither a strategist nor is he schooled in the operational arts, nor is he a tactician, nor is he a general. Other than that he's a great military man."

“True courage is being afraid, and going ahead and doing your job anyhow, that's what courage is.” 

“Success is sweet, but the secret is sweat.” 

“I will confess to you that, you know, one of the statements that’s been attributed to me that I’m sort of proud of is somebody said, you know, “What do we do about Osama bin Laden?” And they asked me, “Can we forgive him?” And I said, “Forgiveness is up to God. I just hope we hurry up the meeting.” And that’s the way I feel about him, really. [8 February 2003 show of Meet The Press, NBC News]” 

“Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy.” 

“I myself cried when I got angry, then became unable to explain why I was angry in the first place. Later I would discover this was endemic among female human beings. Anger is supposed to be "unfeminine", so we suppress it-until it overflows.” 

“Perhaps that's the first Survival Lesson we need to remember if we are to keep going: serious opposition is a measure of success. Women have been trained to measure our effectiveness in love and approval, not in conflict and resistance.” 

“As feminism has changed academia by enlarging what is taught, academia has sometimes changed feminism.” 

“Being graded for memorizing male accomplishments with the deep message that we can learn what others do but never do it ourselves.” 

“Don't write when you're angry and under deadline, with time to test it only on friends who know what you mean, not on strangers who don't.” 

I was angry about the human talent that was lost just because it was born into a female body, and the mediocrity that was rewarded because it was born into a male one.

“As Robin Morgan wrote so wisely, "Hate generalizes, love specifies". Thats what makes going on the road so important. It definitely specifies.” 

“Women have two choices: Either she's a feminist or a masochist.” 

“Women may be the one group that grows more radical with age.” 

“A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men.”