The place is very well and quiet and the children only scream in a low voice.

On my US tour maybe three out of 30 shows there was an Elvis impersonator in the crowd but that's it. I usually get younger fans, and those that come that are of an older generation end up walking out because it's too loud.

When I'm doing interviews, I'm doing interviews, and when I am writing, I'm writing. I sit there with a musician and I write. It's the same process since I started writing in my twenties. I like to come in and leave with a finished song.

There was a time there when I thought going out was so fun. I don't know how it happens, but suddenly that's not a priority anymore.

In college I castrated 21 rats, and I got pretty good at it.

This isn't just an unhappy planet. Sometimes very good things can happen.

One thing I really want to explore is writing.

I hate cosmetics companies. They get you addicted to the perfect lipstick or nail polish and then, six months later, they discontinue it. You have to buy your favorite colors like you're storing up for the Apocalypse.

Christina Ricci is amazing, the most professional actor I think I've ever met. You can be chatting with her and when they call action, she's right there.

On network TV, I'm still Phoebe to people, and it would be hard to convince them otherwise in the bright lights of a sitcom.

An actress, around 40, on television, that's where you get the most torture, I think.

At 45, you know what you're doing, but you're still not done.

To be able to let you know who someone is in just a couple of words, I'd have to pick the most pronounced features of a character's personality. And I always feel like I'm leaving out so many important little ones.

I just want to start writing, whether or not any of it is useable or marketable.

Now, unless someone's, like, 50 or older, they're meant to behave like girls. And it's a broad stroke: It's not just a moment of being vulnerable and girlish.

I don't think that I ever thought of myself as a nerd.

You can't help but just be aware that things might not always be as good as they are, because people's feelings about others can turn on a dime.

Shirley MacLaine said, You're so funny, then gave me a hug. Everything went white. I couldn't hear, I couldn't see. I thought I was going to pass out

I knew an actor's career goes up and down and back up again. Your standing in this business can't be your whole identity; otherwise, you're doomed

Is it me? Is it like I have a beacon that only dogs and men with severe emotional problems can hear?

I'll accept being Phoebe to people for a while longer, given how much fun it was. That's totally fair.

[Detractors] are just wrong, and that's okay. They just don't see it yet. That's what I would tell myself to keep those moments of doubt, only moments.

I do like reality shows, and I watch some of them because they're high drama. It's also just fun to watch people have honest reactions.

Marla [from Rules Don't Apply] especially, believed that she has a certain set of rules that she had to abide by, in order to be successful in Hollywood. How she acted, how she approached things and even in her relationship with her mother - there were a lot more rules and regulations expected of ambitious women, even before they got into the door.