Celia [Brady] is a young woman who, you know, she's still got that fresh young vibe about her but at the same time she's quite wise beyond her years and very mature and she has that womanly, sexy quality, but at the same time she's very youthful in her clothes. She has that interesting mix between the two. I really love that balance about fashion.

When I first covered [presidential election ] in 2008, I was asking questions for kids around the world, but mainly for myself. I didn't know the process, I didn't know how it worked. Now, of course, I'm more schooled on it, but I deal with so much politics in my fashion work and in Hollywood, that I haven't been as connected this time.

At first, I didn't hang out with celebrity kids. That wasn't the way I was brought up. I went to a run-of-the-mill Catholic primary school when we first moved to L.A. But then I went to a high school where there were lots of 'industry' children. Those weren't my best friends and I've never set out to make myself a part of that scene.

I've grown up seeing the pros and cons but I love it and I've always wanted to act. Throughout all the rejections at auditions, and especially when I finally did get something, both my parents have been so supportive and always told me it is all about passion and, if I was doing it because I love it, there's no wrong choice.

The fans reacted very positively to me being cast [The Mortal Instruments] which, as a Twilight or Harry Potter franchise, when you read a book and you have someone in your mind or you have a vision and then they're cast in real life, it can go either way. So I was very, very honored and happy that they were excited.

It's great when improv is encouraged. It's a really fun thing. It depends on who's in the movie and how their process works, as well. It takes a director who is open to that because you have a script, but then something funny could happen on set. So, to have people around you who encourage improv is really exciting.

No matter what, I need to maintain my sense of self and always be true to who I am.

I've realized the quirky things that make you different are what make you beautiful.

The idea that I get to travel and do what I love and call it a job is just a blessing.

I never go with something in mind. I like having an array of generations in my outfits!

My dad knows how to tell a story. He'd make me laugh by doing all the different voices.

I love clothes, but I don't have a specific favorite, because I'm very much a fashionista.

I watched a few of Warren Beatty films when I was growing up...my Dad loved 'Heaven Can Wait.'

When you trust and have elevated personnel in each department then the sky really is the limit.

I was never afraid of going after what I wanted, and making that known, and being vocal about it.

If you don't have that trust in the backbone of the project, you may not know what you're making.

I've grown up knowing that you put as much of your private life out there as you feel comfortable with.

But the thing is, I was never looking at a strategic way of gaining fame. That's not why I'm doing this.

Think before you speak. Think before you judge. Think before you think you have a person all figured out.

It truly is the power that you have deep within yourself that gives you the strength to pursue your dreams.

I'm drawn to roles that have real substance, that aren't just the victim or the teenage girl or the girlfriend.

My older siblings and I all work in 'the industry'. So obviously we have hectic schedules, but we make it work.

A lot of my friends aren't working, especially since fewer films are being made now and there's more competition.

Life works in mysterious ways but when you find your inner glow is back and shining brighter, you know it's right.