"I'm a good assistant. That's why I don't have an assistant, because I'm so on it that no one can be as on it as me. I know that."

"When I'm working, I always listen to music to zone everyone else out."

"I'm a person who likes to hang out. I would never go on a blind date. That sounds like the most uncomfortable thing on the planet earth. It's like, 'Hi. Nice to meet you. So, what kind of music do you like?' Date ended."

"I'm a person who likes to hang out. I would never go on a blind date. That sounds like the most uncomfortable thing on the planet earth. It's like, 'Hi. Nice to meet you. So, what kind of music do you like?' Date ended."

"I would love to play Marlene Dietrich in a movie. My dad's from Germany and so I feel like that would be a really interesting person to play."

"It's nice when the movie is not on your shoulders, too. It's fun to do a smaller part sometimes."

"I think you either get along with Lars [von Trier] or you really don't and I really got along with him. I wasn't scared because I talked to Bryce Dallas Howard about Lars."

"Charlotte Rampling is someone I've wanted to work with for a very long time. I've always looked up to her as an actress and it's a reason why I feel brave to do a film like Melancholia. So, to me she's the ultimate."

"To be in someone's favorite film is just - that's what you want. You want to be in great films that are memorable."

"A singer is someone who puts out an album. That's a very generous description."

"I think that certain directors are better at choosing actors that match well with each other. And I have feelings about actors and who I think I'd work well with better moreso than others."

"I was allowed to have an imagination rather than a need to be entertained all the time by television or computers or anything like that. So, I think it's helpful to try and give your kids."

"I've learned to do a movie and then not be in that place for a long time."

"I'm not someone who is scared of doing things out of the box."

"I like to think that death gives life meaning. I like that philosophy."

"I can't watch my movies and get into them because as soon as I see myself I get taken out of the film."

"It's interesting to watch people go through it in something like this. I mean, what other then Melancholia films do they portray depression in?"

"I get to do all these crazy things in the movies. I'm a pretty chilled out person, actually... a very mellow person."

"I don't really want to talk about my personal experience. It's something that I have talked about just because it came out in the press but I've tried to navigate the waters in my own comfort-ability."

"I mean look at Antichrist. He's not making films to be liked by everyone, so why is this so surprising coming from Lars von Trier?"

"I'm not someone who plays a part for the press junket."

"I think everyone wants for their kids the good things that they had."

"Lars von Trier is not not somebody who is known for conducting a normal press conference ever!"

I hate to talk about myself.