War doesn't negate decency. It demands it, even more than in times of peace." - Baba

A boy who won't stand up for himself becomes a man who can't stand up to anything.

Beauty is an enormous, unmerited gift given randomly, stupidly.

You changed the subject." "From what?" "The empty-headed girls who think you're sexy." "You know." "Know what?" "That I only have eyes for you.


You know, comics and movies, even if you take a comic and turn it into a movie, we can't all be Joss Whedon.

'Recreative' is a word that I invented because in urban culture, with colloquialism, we invent so many slangs. I don't like the way that 'recreational' sounds - I don't like to say I do a lot of 'recreational' reading. I like to say that I read 'recreatively.' I do a lot of 'recreative' reading.

I attended college in prison. I was in jail, so there ain't no going to no classes. They have programs in certain facilities where you can earn good time, and then you get time taken off your sentence. But as far as going to classes, it's not like that. You study, and then an administrator gives you a test. I got a Master's in psychology.

If you look at the movie 'Belly,' I identify with Sincere the most. I am a gangster. I love my lady to death. I'm not in the game for the wrong reasons. I'm not in the game for the glory. I'm in the game to survive so the people that I love could be straight. I'm a highly intelligent individual.

I look at other people's lives, and some people feel like they're too old to play with toys. But I still go through the toy section at the store, 'cause there were toys that I wanted when I was little that I couldn't have. So I still get them.

I used to really love Fiend, but he stopped. He just stopped. Every time he had a project, every project - 'There's One In Every Family,' 'Street Life' - I had to have them. And he just stopped. And that was disappointing, 'cause that was my favorite rapper at one time.

I just always wanted to study human behavior because every psychologist that I would talk to would tell me I was bipolar, and I know I'm not bipolar, so I had to perform a psychoanalysis on myself to find out that I have unresolved grief.

I really don't pay attention to the outside world when I'm incarcerated, because being in prison is like being in a different world. So I don't pay attention to what's going on outside of jail, because it's all beyond my control.

When you stand for something, you've got to stand for it all the way, not half way.

Biggie Smalls, Jay-Z, Nas, Eminem, Big L, Tupac. That was, like, my top five, generally.

I adapt and I adjust to whatever environment I'm in.

Coming up in the streets, I had to learn how to read people early on. I'm a very analytical person. I observe a lot of the things that people don't notice.

I have trouble with letting go. That's my problem.

True wealth is not of the pocket, but of the heart and of the mind.

I suffer from deep depression, so my only release is music.

I'm an introvert somewhat. There could be a room full of people, I'll go stand in the corner.

I'm never on Twitter. I'm never on Instagram. And that's not by choice: it's just that those things never really interested me. I might post a picture here and there, but that ain't really been my focus.

I never go into a situation with any type of expectations.

I don't believe in conspiracy theories. I'm just a cold-blooded investigator.