When I was about 5 I think, I desperately wanted to be a pirate and have the hat and everything.

I like watching films when I don't know anything about the people.

I see the world through my eyes. It's sometimes a strange world.

If only I wasn't an atheist, I could get away with anything.

I started working when I was seven, and ever since then I've been saving for an apartment. Even before that I had a little jam jar designated for my apartment money.

Well, the thing about great fictional characters from literature, and the reason that they're constantly turned into characters in movies, is that they completely speak to what makes people human.

I don't have a problem with my body. I'm not just going to strip off all my clothing, but if the part calls for it and I don't think there's any way round, I'm absolutely fine.

My upbringing is why I am the person I am today. I have very wise parents.

I tried college for three months but I was desperately unhappy. I just wanted to perform. I was getting straight As but I had no friends and cried every day.

I am a slow reader. I always loved words, which is a strange thing given that I couldn't actually read them.

I really believe that in this industry women have to be very true to themselves about what they're comfortable with.

At this particular time, I probably am more comfortable with myself. Just now I'm having a lovely time.

I think every girl is looking for her Mr. Darcy.

I find more interesting roles for women in period pieces. I do personally like watching period films; I think you can really get lost in the fantasy of them.

My mum says that I was born 45, and I do remember at six thinking that I should be earning my own living.

It's impossible. You try to have any kind of relationship with your family, with a man, or with a friend, and you have to be on the phone and the Internet the entire time.

What's nice about playing somebody real is that generally there's more information about them, so a lot of the questions that you'd otherwise have to make up the answers to are already there.

I cook. I go to farmers markets in London and cook really good sort of organic foods.

I always find it much easier when there's one person whose vision you're following, as opposed to many people.

I think everybody has the right to a private life.

I wasn't allowed to do commercials. I wasn't allowed to do TV series. I wasn't allowed to do soaps or basically anything that would mean I missed too much school.

I made a conscious decision to live my life the best way I could and that meant to publicise myself as little as possible.

Be happy in your body. It's the only one you've got, so you might as well like it.

You have to learn the rules to be able to know how to break them.