I think 'Nick and Norah' was a huge deal for me. It was my first foray into the studio world, and that character was such a gift.

I can remember what I ate in the most important moments in my life.

I've tried my best to be transparent with everything I do. What you see is what you get.

People don't realize it hurts my feelings when someone looks at my hair or my eyes, and says, 'But you're not actually black. You're black, but you're not black black, because your eyes are green.' I'm like, 'What? No, no, I'm definitely black.' Even some of my closest friends have said that. It's been a bit touchy for me.

Throughout high school, I was made fun of a lot. I was a lot smaller than the other kids, and I have a big gap in my teeth. I had pretty bad acne. So I struggled with that.

There were moments growing up where I felt beautiful, but I truly didn't feel beautiful all of the time until I became a mom. It really allowed me to realize no one is perfect.

I remember my mom wearing CoverGirl. And, no joke, the first lipstick I got was CoverGirl. It was this pearly pink shimmer that was not the color for me, but it sticks in your mind.

It's hard to portray your personality in 140 characters. And so, at times, I tend to be very cynical. And I don't think that comes across very well on social media.

There's going to be a million people that tell you 'No' when you're starting out to do something. But, all you need is that one person to tell you 'Yes,' who's going to believe in you. But first, you need to believe in yourself.

I think it's important to be that strong woman and to follow your passions regardless of what your situation is.

Shrimp and grits is a dish that I enjoy from North Carolina. It's one of those dishes that is so rich in flavor and texture.

I think it's important for children to know where their food comes from and how much work it takes to produce the items we eat in our home.

A good cut of steak is always a go-to splurge.

My grandmother had mango trees in her backyard when I was a child. So it's always been an ingredient that I'm familiar with. It can be used in so many ways. My kids absolutely love it for a snack or in a savory dish.

I don't want to be just a lifestyle guru for the millennials.

Putting good foods into kids' bodies puts me at peace and makes me really happy.

If we have love, we have family, we have everything we need.

'Having it all,' to me, means having my family, having health, my kids' health, a roof over our heads, everybody fed.

My mom has passed down that you can be chic and look beautiful, and you don't have to break the bank. I grew up like that. She also taught me I don't have to stress all the time. She's always been a go-with-the-flow type of woman; that's how she raised us, and I find that's how I'm raising my little girls now.

It's cool to see all your dreams come to fruition.

I've made it a point to be transparent on my social media and in everything that I present. I never want anyone to think that I'm too fluffy or too perfect.

For me, I just do what is true to myself and my brand.

Instead of cartoons, I was the kid who was watching Food Network, falling asleep to Emeril and Rachael Ray.

Both of my parents worked, so it was my way of helping around the house by making dinner for my family. I fell in love with it.