I once went with my grandson to a county fair where you shoot a water pistol at the clown's mouth. We came home with twelve stuffed animals and a goldfish.

I'm never embarrassed to say, 'I don't know.'

Why should only rich men have young, beautiful women? Rich women should have young, beautiful men.

A lesson taught with humor is a lesson retained.

I have some afflictions, like diabetes 2, but I take care. I sleep well.

I was 50 when I had my first show, so I was never on television with a short skirt or decollete; I never tried to look or be younger.

I may have been on the cover of People and gone on 'David Letterman' and 'Arsenio Hall' because they had young audiences I wanted to talk to. But at the same time, I always did serious books or taught seminars.

I love small things. I love them.

For many years, I didn't have a home.

My mother was a very quiet woman and people say that she didn't get much of a chance to talk because my grandmother and I talked so much.

My father taught me to study, study, study hard and he sent me to a very good Jewish school even though it was not near the house.

People like me have to stay away from politics.

My parents sent me to Switzerland on a Kindertransport.

I have in my bones, and in my blood, the knowledge that you have to help the people who are persecuted.

You walk into a restaurant these days, and what you see is everyone with their phone next to them. That is terrible. Instead of concentrating on the relationship, on the needs and activities and interests of the other person, they are constantly looking at their phone.

When I was in Switzerland, I still had the fantasy I could have saved my parents and family if I'd stayed in Germany. All nonsense. If they had not made the sacrifice to send their only child to Switzerland, I wouldn't be alive.

I'm very lucky, because it's a combination of the German, the Hebrew, the Swiss, the French, and that accent helped because as soon as people heard it they knew it was me.

If Congress wants to get involved in the business of morality by allowing a moment of silence in our schools, I support that. But if our representatives in Washington are truly going to be moral leaders, then they have to do more than just tell us to pray for guidance.

When some women literally throw themselves at you, it's easy to get confused and think that every woman is eager for your attentions.

It is impossible to deny that people in power face more temptations than ordinary citizens.

When you feel yourself being critical, whether it is of yourself or another person, stop yourself. Look for positive aspects to admire.

Even top fashion models get critical about one certain part of their body that they do not like. So perfection is impossible.

There are times when you should never give a cheater a second chance, but there also are exceptions.

If someone has gone through a lot of emotional pain, including the loss of loved ones, that person may try to build a shell around his or her feelings to protect him- or herself from the pain.