I've had the 'Countdown' theme-tune as my mobile phone ringtone for years.

I'm 5ft 7in tall and a size six to eight on top and eight to ten on the bottom. Consequently, I get a lot of my clothes altered to fit, as I am always between sizes.

Winter is my favourite season for clothes because I'm happiest wearing knitted dresses, leggings, and Uggs.

Very fitted dresses look much better on TV, even though in reality they might be so tight that I can barely move in them.

I like being known for being good at maths and having a brain. If I've been asked to do something but it's not relevant to me, I don't do it. I'd feel a bit of an idiot just turning up in a dress.

I think the word 'celebrity' is stupid.

Filming 'It's Not Rocket Science' has made me realise I'm missing the part of my brain that warns me about danger because - even though the tasks are terrifying - I find it really exciting.

I think you regret the things that you don't do more than the things you do.

Isolation among older people is a massive problem, and my grandad used to come round for Sunday lunch every week for as long as I can remember.

I am aware of some of the things about me on the Internet - like people putting up pictures of me online every single day on something called Rachel Watch!

I am the type of person who just gets on with whatever life throws at you. I have a 'do first, worry later' kind of attitude.

I have loved 'Countdown' for years. I always used to watch it when I got home from school. To be actually on the programme is a big challenge.

As soon as I am out of my work clothes, I am in flat shoes, stretchy leggings, and a cashmere jumper; it's all low maintenance.

I am always running late for absolutely everything; my hair's the last thing I do because I am terrible at it.

Russian is a really hard language - but I've got my own personal teacher. He's been really patient.

I'm at my most fulfilled challenging myself with something that scares me.

If I'm with someone, and I'm happy, that's enough.

I don't see myself with or without children - whatever will be, will be.

I like American late-night shows, like Trevor Noah, John Oliver and Bill Maher - I've got them all on series link.

When I first started, I tried to wear things I thought a 'Countdown' presenter should wear.

I am really surprised that what I am wearing on 'Countdown' has got into the papers.

I always say the side of me I show on 'Countdown' is the side I'd show to my gran.

For a long time, I thought, 'I'm not a TV presenter,' but now I realise there's no typical route into this business.

I would have never dreamt in a million years I would go out with a ballroom dancer from Russia, as, when we were younger, we did not even speak the same language.