I lived, while 1 1/2 million Jewish children died. So I have an obligation to repair the world.

The most important thing for my father was learning. Because nobody can take that away from you.

In 1947 and '48, everybody in then-Palestine belonged to some group. I chose the group that was the forerunner of the Israel Defense Forces.

I'd love to present a popular science programme because it's something I feel very passionate about.

There's an ingrained mentality in our culture that women aren't as good. Other places, it doesn't exist.

More than other subjects, there's a myth that you have to be an absolute genius to be good at maths and to enjoy it, so I think it's less accessible for people. Even the word 'maths' makes people screw their face up. They do the maths face.

Without 'Countdown,' I'd probably still be a data analyst in London.

I'm really lucky to be in the TV industry and to have a regular yearly contract. That gives me security.

I have never been graceful, never been elegant.

You can have your opinions, and you can share them with your friends, but why would you go online to tell a stranger something random about their appearance? I don't get that.

Some of the words that pop up on the show have had terrible connotations. But that's the beauty of 'Countdown.'

Maths is like learning a language: you need to learn the basics to get going, but a lot of adults go into blind panic about numbers and switch off.

I love that once you know the basic rules of maths, you can do whatever you want with it.

My biggest vice? Vegan cupcakes, which are delicious.

When I see myself on screen, I don't even feel like it's me - it's like it's a completely different person.

I'm the sort of person who has to learn something properly before I show anyone.

When you're out shopping, try to calculate the discount of something in the sales, or work out how much a bill in a restaurant will come to. Your brain is just like any other muscle - you have to train it to make it work faster.

If I find a dress I really like and it happens to be a bit short, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. The thing about going to Oxford is it does give you the confidence to be how you want to be.

I'd happily describe myself as a TV presenter now.

I am lucky because I often get my makeup done by professionals, and they always try new ideas; I'll attempt to vaguely recreate what they've done.

I'm not into bags, so I don't pay a lot for them; I get them from H&M and Topshop.

Maths is the language of science.

Even though you picture Russians as stoic, their language is really poetic.

In TV, you get so many different opportunities, and especially, you get to try something different you don't get to do as a normal person, then great.